Thursday, April 7, 2011

Rudolph Valentino _ Baidu Encyclopedia

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    help set up home life, geography and history of natural and cultural character of economic science community arts core user fifth anniversary of the NBA Sports Rudolph Valentino Rudolph Valentino card Wikipedia Tino Rudolph Valentino Rudolph Valentino (1895.5.6-1926.8.23), American actor. Born in Italy Castellaneta, 1926 year due to the death of heart valve inflammation in New York.
    personal experience, the film starring controversial evaluation of the death of personal experience fame before World War II, the most sensational death of a star is a young actor Rudolph Valentino. In the August 15, 1926 at a banquet in New York after attending a sudden fall to the ground, was sent to hospital for treatment, to determine the ulcer attack, until August Niansan finally died at that time, he only thirty-one years. The results of the New York seems to have become hysterical, Bebel funeral parlor worthy of Broadway packed, eighty thousand men and women flocked to the church with their Latin lover farewell. Valentino's death, so do not Ganchangcunduan teenage fans, there are several young men to commit suicide. Until five years later, he was in Hollywood Cemetery in the cemetery still has admirers to worship when, flowers have never stopped. The Italian and French films starring the handsome young hybrid is the most popular silent film era, the screen is big lover, who starred in ), Valentino the way from the film is quite rough, as the son of an Italian veterinarian, a vagrant life,vibram 5 fingers, Dior's personality makes him destined to become not a good child, he had been expelled several schools, and later until finally a mixed agricultural school diploma, 17 years old he came to Paris alone, and in the second year of immigration to New York. Enters the film and television, he worked as a gardener, also washed dishes done while tango dancer, and even then often make ends meet. He is sometimes forced to have to do some living sly dealings, said he also worked as gigolo. Later at a friend's recommendation and he started to enter the entertainment industry, Valentino's first film in Hollywood is not played in a film named dancer, though not much drama points, but handsome as Foreign Secretary, he attracted the attention of Hollywood director. However, in the first several plays, he is not lover, but mostly like to play some of the role of villain. Famous 1920 MGM Choupai a budget of more than millions of dollars in the movie * British Guerra (Rex Ingram) tried to persuade the company to Valentino featuring the protagonist, MGM final decision will not only save the company's poor financial situation,mac brushes, but also to Valentino as a star. Sure enough, when the U.S. popular actress 艾拉内吉姆瓦 (Alla Nazimova) has named her to be with Valentino starred in women (including some men) in mind dreams. But this is too controversial a beautiful man soon found to be a star after the troubles, and radio reporters asked him endless sexual orientation, and asked him bisexual? Gay? Or impotence? Chicago Tribune lashed Valentino is a serious female image of the U.S. men! To this end he has devoted to the author of the article down the gauntlet like to make a boxing match with a break, this compelling game play have not had time to open soon on account of Valentino died of peritonitis. Evaluation of Valentino's career lasted only a short period of six years, and this allows the six years the His life story has twice the silver screen, the Russian ballet star Nureyev on stage once used to mark Valentine ballet. As an actor, you can use the ------------------------------------------------ Young Let soon impulses are beautiful people disappeared without a trace in the memory of Hollywood's popular niche, are also the leading position three to five years, it omitted. Beautiful people generation after another, to stay in people's minds very few. Rudolph Valentino is one of a distinguished representative. He was the first Latin lover in Hollywood, he kind of invisible force, shining black eyes,mac makeup wholesale, deep look, taste and elegance of dress mysterious temperament, perfect, wearing stylish costumes full of exotic body and He shows the kind of narcissism in the United States to become the first great Hollywood sex symbol, the history of Hollywood's greatest screen lover. In the In him, the traditional virtues of men, strong and courageous are relegated to second place. Rudolph Valentino became famous in Hollywood before, had done gigolo. Perfect body, dynamic swing style twist the waving of thousands of bones of the head. His perfect slim body attracted a large audience. Including his own, but also appreciate the obsession with their bodies,mac makeup, showing the film in many narcissistic tendencies. He is like the ancient Greek legend of the plug that Francis, like glamorous, even the men could not help but admire a few words, I do not know how the women's eyes to the beauty of it. He had his own unique charm, the magic of hundreds of millions of viewers so obsessed, crazy, but also to the remarkable artistic achievements prove to the world with the beauty and wisdom, a man called the dumping country. This is a colorful world, many species there are wonderfully beautiful, blooming. Of course, some people see it as alien, monster, can not help it, if you really hate him, and I can only say: hate him, reject him, this also prove that you will never forget him. Since Rudolph Tarantino August 23, 1926 passed away, more than seventy years have passed. He is Hollywood's evergreen, it is still fresh in his memory, involuntary still talking about him. Rudolph Valentino died August 23, 1926 died of heart valve inflammation. His death shocked the world, his death triggered a large-scale riots. It is said that making an entire generation of women at whom grief distraught, crying, so that their husbands, embarrassed, and his funeral so that half of New York traffic gridlock, the New York seems to have become gloomy, sad, long unable to extricate themselves. Several extreme admirers even attempted to commit suicide on his grave, never mind the perfect follow their idols. Seventy years, people have forgotten him, and if the person's life by seven years count, he is the only truly unforgettable for life people can not forget the beauty of men. Atlas Atlas entry for more extended reading: 1
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