Thursday, December 30, 2010

the most complex relationship

( *** ) the outer core is a progressive thinking people, such as preparation for the bookstore a few people - million new jade (the most money paid for shares, as the book's sponsor), Pei Jian Zhang, Li Xiangbin, Wang Qian Li, Sui city, etc. - they are not Kaifeng Kaifeng Middle School Teachers of students is the students, or that fellow, ideas are more prosix way, five fingers Road area, the mac makeupstalls placed in a  vibram five fingersplace chaos. Sometimes, these street vendors also specifically through, as people cherigressive. Sui city is also Suiping people, though not familiar with the underground in the past, but they are aware, during and after teaching school, he often read some progressive books, but did not join the party, but passed the Hu Tsung-nan was established in Xi'an wartime mission, to Hu Tsung-nan system. After Japan surrendered, Hu Tsung-nan sent to Henan, Sui City, came to Henan, this layer of people, is collecting money paid for shares, the basic force protection bookstore.

( *** ) the outermost layer is the most complex relationship, the KMT forces, who have three, but this layer of people is the main source of information. for these objects, relationships, Xu Xun Li, send light through research, some of them direct guidance, to provide information for the underground, and some indirect access to information. In addition to the Yellow River Bookstore outside the underground in Kaifeng two separate secret contact point. Book is very complex because many people, all people have, the shareholders have one holiday to play his own bookstore, take a look at their bookstore, so when an underground man as a stranger when v
ice hockey  present, Fuzhou City is located five points to ease the food stalls, preparing food stalls scattered streets stalls, concentrated to a piece of management. In the future, the streets will also take tea \Meanwhile, Jinan District, the food stalls to be set to ease after point, so that some eligible stalls, grooming point of presence to the operators within the specification.of: Lin Chun Li Xin-zhi (This article Source: Southeast Express insanity workout suddenly came to bookstore very convenient, easily exposed, so two separate secret liaison points, one at Liang Court Girls, an underground working relationship with an important love in this school as principal, so the secret of her as a focal point where Sometimes Comrade Li Xun, or other temporary liberated to Kaifeng to live in this place.