Thursday, December 23, 2010

When we crash and put in the porridge clean crabs

2, When we crash and put in the porridge clean crabs, use a clean brush to brush thoroughly, then put the crab into pieces, remember to remove the lung. shrimps have to wash, split lengthwise, by pumping the black out. 3, porridge cooked, the crab, mac brushes After all, the strength of the team than personal power.  mac cosmetics outlet  and mushrooms and cook together into porridge, porridge has been cooked to the point of exhaustion (20 minutes).

4, the final Add the scallion pan before, the
mac cosmetics store smell is gone, then add salt, MSG. Well, the delicious Crab soup is done, oh spicy cuisine and the effectiveness of the practice of Clam: Homely Yin recipes eyesight recipes recipes recipes process hyperlipidemia: production of materials fried Spicy Clam: Ingredients: 600 g clams, spices: ginger 5 grams of garlic (white) 5 grams pepper (red, sharp, dry) 10 grams, 25 grams of vegetable oil, chili oil 30 grams, 15 grams of soy sauce, cooking wine 20 grams, 15 grams of tomato sauce, vinegar 20 grams, salt 5 grams, 5 grams of sugar