Monday, December 20, 2010

which means that they also did not have time to celebrate.

ABBA Volleyball home in Shaoxing, 3:2 (17:25, 25:21,14:25,25:21,15:12) win over the strength of the strong Jiangsu volleyball, the game has been hit deciding game was a winner.
coach Wang Hebing said yesterday mac cosmetics store the game he was happy - \to be commended, of course, you can see, the third game we had. had 14 points, a little outrageous, or too much of our ups and downs. \are mac cosmetics outlet , especially the \coming soon to celebrate Christmas - the. \laugh.
Kaiyuan also playing at home again yesterday to the women's volleyball fans in Zhoushan, the joy of victory, 3:0 (25:16,25:22,25:18) show that this is a victory, the season since the start of their two-game winning streak, ranked in the forefront of the standings.
Kaiyuan women's mac cosmetics outlet coach, said Xu Jiande, encountered little resistance apart from the second game, the Beijing Women's Volleyball virtually no ability to fight back. Yesterday in the main position of the Luo Yu play well, the audience got 20 offensive points a person, not just a threat in the fourth position, her back row attack has become an mac brushes Kaiyuan volleyball scoring.
and volleyball, as New Century Women's Volleyball is the next game away,