Saturday, February 12, 2011

mac makeup nose. Clinical's first to have the nose down

cover both sides of the nose is the nose of the soft tissue, if excessive external expansion will form the nose nose too big and destruction of nose, nose, nose and reconciliation between the proportion of nasion; nose surgery is removed by both sides of the nose to improve the local expansion of the nose outside, and thus also to improve the shape of the nose (nose nose  north face denali  surgery), To cut the size and position of local severe levels depending on the patient. nose nose plastic surgery are incision in the nose lip groove (inner and outer), no significant postoperative swelling, ordinary, large part of the scar is not significant, this operation often with a nose job or nose surgery, nose to reach the overall aesthetic - the so-called nose plastic surgery, including nasal deformities and  mac brushes  primary defect in two aspects. More common in congenital nasal deformity, cleft alar cartilage mergers often stunted, nose down, nose narrow and so will significantly affect the overall appearance of  mac makeup  nose. Clinical's first to have the nose down, nose hypertrophy, the nose reduction, nose collapse. Relative nasal defects, the nasal deformity is more common in plastic and aesthetic surgery.
In addition, the nose has a margin of harmonic lines, arcs, not too high, too low, too straight or Samuel said. Nose droop can be displayed as the front, rear or full nose edge down, side view can be hidden columella to form pseudo-columella retraction deformity. Primary disposal methods are as follows: 1, the edge of excision: When presented with bilateral cleft lip nose to nose on the edge of resection. This approach has gradually extended to the alar base excision for the nose and nasal plastic surgery to reduce sagging plastic. View drooping nose edge parts of the excised. Extended excision can be   insanity workout to the nasolabial fold incision, but it should be noted that reconstruction of the natural edge of the nose.