Saturday, February 12, 2011

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can Rhinoplasty under local or general anesthesia, which limits the size of the primary depends on the surgery. Doctor if you choose general anesthesia, then the entire surgical process you will be in a sleep state, without any feeling. If you select part of the anesthesia, you will remain awake during surgery, but your nose and surrounding tissue will be numb and not feeling sense, mac brushes  occasionally there are some uncomfortable sense, you can just relax on it. Rhinoplasty to 1-2 hours daily, of course, some complex surgery  north face denali  be a longer time. During surgery, the doctor will nose skin from its nose and nasal cartilage below it to flip, and then the doctor according to your request and craft of the nasal bone and nasal cartilage to do cut and polish, or directly into the nose has crafted a good frame, to get the results you want. Finally, the skin was sewn back into place. After a few months so you'll have a satisfying beauty nose friends. Keywords: nose reshaping nose reshaping nose reshaping method of classification of the advantages nose reshaping nose reshaping nose reshaping advantages disadvantages benefits of nose nose reshaping nose reshaping method plastic surgery hospital plastic surgeon nose reshaping nose reshaping nose restoration expert nose reshaping nose reshaping how much the price
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