Tuesday, February 8, 2011

north face denali kilometer

Second, China's traffic law and developed countries, short history, details on the yet to be perfected, more important is the implementation of strict, with good words, and through the back door and other unhealthy trends, making a routine traffic violation and even serious violations of malicious traffic incidents occur frequently. So we turn a blind eye to the traffic rules, even if you strictly follow traffic rules, people would laugh at the strange phenomenon. A lack of awareness of law-abiding groups, there is no strict law enforcement supervision and management of the state, the violation is an inevitable phenomenon. Third, the design of road traffic in China is also a lack of conflict between   insanity workout  and vehicles reasonable to avoid, so pedestrians had to do jaywalking, or creating convenient conditions for the jaywalking. Between cars and flat cross too much, making the car can not be good a speed. In Hong Kong, is the lane carriageway, pedestrian routes are pedestrian routes, pedestrian lane to go up is immune, as it has been artificially separated the two. Despite the narrow roads in Hong Kong than in mainland China many, many, but  mac brushes does not traffic jams, speed is still fast. Of course, in order to achieve a similar separation of people and vehicles in Hong Kong that is several decades of very high investment to complete. The third part
cause of traffic congestion on China following the traffic situation in comparison with developed countries, analyze the causes of road traffic congestion. First, the road width issue. Many people say that China's road traffic congestion is the car many, many people, the road is not wide enough. We can do such a comparison, the Shanghai resident population density of 2931 people per square kilometer, the highest population density of China's mainland cities. Hong Kong's population density is 6420 persons per sq km, is twice that of Shanghai. Hong Kong is the world's most densely populated cities, the urban population density was 2.1 people / sq km. Singapore's population density of up to 6430 people per  
north face denali  kilometer, compared with New York, London and other major cities twice. Population density is lower than in Shenyang, Dalian, Qingdao, Suzhou, less than Beijing, Guangzhou, half the population density. In terms of population density and automobile ownership is concerned, Dalian, China is not a lot of traffic congestion in cities and Hong Kong, mac makeup  and other cities and countries, but these cities and countries sort out the confused good traffic, so the road width is not the main reason for traffic congestion, but the utilization of the road problems. Utilization of roads in Hong Kong up to 70%, while only 10% utilization of the continent, large car park the road becomes natural. Analysis of the road for the Utilization: