Tuesday, February 8, 2011

north face denali of rural China is currently small

Jiangxi Fangzong has sent into the disaster areas in 19 working groups to carry out flood prevention work, the PLA officers and soldiers have been deployed to an emergency, militia and reserve forces, armed police, armed police forces water, police, assault boats 148, 24 boats ships, boats 4, vehicle 30, a life jacket to go to disaster rescue and relief 7000. 20 am, Jiangxi Province, rushed to mobilize military assault boat, broken down into smaller four went to the hard-hit Yujiang County, Dongxiang County, Jinxi County, and Nan Chengxian rescue. to 21 18 o'clock in Jiangxi province has invested 207 million in emergency flood-fighting, in which troops 17,000 people, local  mac brushes  of 150 million passengers, 189,000 passengers reservoir inspections, levee inspections 183,000 people. Currently, the province's 73 million people have been successfully transferred to rescue 44 people trapped by flood water staff, there are still 7 million people trapped by flood water. Sing Kai

embankment breach, there was the threat of flooding more than 10 million people were in urgent need of transfer, various people quickly gathered to sing Kay. Flood is still the further spread of the disaster is still further expanded. 3, yesterday, Premier Wen Jiabao chaired a State Council executive work of the conference  
 insanity workout  out that after years of continuous construction, governance of major rivers in China have achieved remarkable results, but the small river flood control standard is low, the degree of small reservoirs flood is difficult, mountain flood prevention is weak, we should continue to strengthen water conservancy construction in a prominent position, starting as soon as possible  mac makeup  in key water conservancy projects. Experts pointed out that small and medium rivers, flood control and dangerous reservoirs has become a scourge. According to Ministry of Water Resources data show that a considerable  north face denali  of rural China is currently small reservoirs were built in the last century, 60 to 80 years, these projects was the construction side of the design side, not even design to construction, are