Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Men's adoption of abandoned children with disabilities caused by wives and children of 11 years (Figure)

    Xu Mingguang adopted children with cerebral palsy after the trip into a family of high difficulties. Southern reporter intern Cai Weijie Liu photo
    11 years ago, Jiangxi Xu Mingguang wife picked up a baby boy in the street, have been repeatedly rejected the local orphanage, the couple has two sons had adopted an abandoned baby under two.
    the name of an abandoned baby born deaf and with severe encephalopathy, in order to give him medical treatment, Xu Mingguang spend all their savings. Mocking neighbors, relatives do not understand all the blows, his son,north face denali, his wife has left him.
    abandoned children grew up, Xu Mingguang grow older, a person with a disabled child alone spent more than 10 years, he has a sense of why he did not force, only worry about the child unattended in the future.
    yesterday, all journalists in the South China Island Street, Haizhu District, Guangzhou City, Village, Little Island Industrial Park to see Xu Mingguang, 56 years old, he is gray and full, waist bow neurasthenia.
    reluctantly adopted an abandoned baby with disabilities
    Xu Mingguang 56, Luxi County, Pingxiang in Jiangxi province, the last century to open 90 hotels in Jiangxi Gao'an. May 16,nhl hockey, 1999 morning, his wife Lin Xiyuan bread sold out early in the morning, 320 National Highway passing through the upper reaches in the ceramics factory next to a hill, heard a baby crying. In a pine tree, she saw a delicate features of the baby boy.
    Lin Xiyuan the baby to the ceramics factory alarm, the police let her go home first, a baby in the custody, the police will soon find the parents of the child.
    more than a month past, the police failed to find their parents, under the guidance of the local Civil Affairs Bureau, has two sons, Xu Mingguang couple will be sent to welfare homes abandoned babies. The couple goes to look for local media to help parents find an abandoned baby, but still no results.
    desperation, January 24, 2000, the couple to the local Civil Affairs Bureau to do the adoption procedures, formally adopted the name of an abandoned baby, and named him the high travel, meaning the upper reaches of ceramic in the high security Plant pick up the kids, and picked up the child's time: May 16,mac makeup, 1999 as the child's birthday.
    bear the weight of wives and children
    just picked up the high travel time, Xu Mingguang couple did not find a child who is sick, but every time the child woke up, the body always suddenly shaking about, then this phenomenon more and more frequently, in 2002, they brought the child to the hospital examination.
    in the Second Affiliated Hospital of Jiangxi Provincial People's Hospital, the diagnosis for the couple a surprise, the thought that at most only a high deaf tour, was found to have suffered from epilepsy and mild brain atrophy, obstruction hydrocephalus, a Chi Daier.
    doctor told Xu Mingguang, the child is still small, have to wait 8 years old can operate on. High tour is the news of Chi Daier, neighbors, relatives tried to persuade Xu Mingguang lost their children, but the couple did not agree.
    Xu Mingguang want to wait at least 8 years of age with high trip gave him an operation. During this period, his two sons grew up, to the fond memory of the age. July 2005, Xu Mingguang eldest son with his girlfriend home to prepare for marriage. There is also a girl home to see the adoption of a child feces incontinence, Breach of Marriage Engagements away from his son, and to have 5 months of gestational age of the fetus destroyed.
    girlfriend to leave, loss of unborn children, the eldest son of Xu Mingguang affected by this blow, it will suddenly become depressed, in a communication sent to parents after the fire away from home.
    relatives, neighbors have also accused Xu Mingguang couple to adopt a disabled child birth unknown, resulting in discord with the son.
    Lin Xiyuan shaken eventually decided to abandon the high-travel, but Xu Mingguang no, he thought he had now adopted a child, can not just throw it away,
    2005 年 7 months, Lin Xiyuan not stand heavy pressure, left home alone to Guangzhou to work. Two sons subsequently left home, never heard from again.
    child is sick can not cure hit
    Xu Mingguang attack stubborn temper, he was convinced that he is not wrong, decided to travel in any case must take the high cure dementia, his own.
    2005 年 10 13,mac brushes, Xu Mingguang out with a high travel. In the following more than a year, Xu Mingguang was removed Hunan, Hebei, Guangdong and other provinces, and take a number of hospitals to spend more than 170,000 yuan, but there is no cure to the high travel.

    a fierce ideological struggle, the final, Xu Mingguang chose to continue to support high-Tour.
    dependent young and old, often dream of family reunion
    spend half a lifetime of savings, high travel burden has become Xu Mingguang forever. In 2006, high travel again discharged from hospital after brain Sanjiu, devoting himself to Xu Mingguang decided to stay in Guangzhou. He had learned from the brother in law, his wife and son might have to work in Guangzhou.
    he began to University City in Guangzhou on the Pearl River next to fishing with a partner and subsequently the help of several students in the university town located in Panyu, opened a stall next to. Heavy smoke the food stalls, live in the neighborhood by neighborhood complaints, in 2008, moved to the Chinese food stalls Chau Chau Street, a small village industrial park, business as before.
    age may be getting old, and Xu Mingguang said that before going to the kind of wife, son grudge and the family together.
    the only thing to comfort his old pregnant is raising a child is wrapped around him, and every night to round his neck to fall asleep.
    families raising children is still the
    Xu Mingguang repeated in the Xu Mingguang said son about his girlfriend since the first failed, has not married the second son got married had a baby.
    has never fully understanding the two sons of his father, the key still high tour.
    second son let his father into the residence in Guangzhou, said his son, and high fear of travel has become silly together.
    To this point, Xu Mingguang previous decisions on their own began to shake, do not know the original decision was right or wrong. Found his wife and children, the two sons never once invited him to the house, the wife came to chat with him only occasionally.
    old and feeble I do not know where the road
    yesterday at 5 pm in the Small Island Chau Street, Haizhu District China Village Industrial Park, Southern Xu Mingguang reporter found the food stalls, food time, business is deserted, not a guest. 11-year-old child sitting in a high-travel bed, to strangers from time to time be kind to foolishly applauded Han Xiao.
    Xu Mingguang of a row of food stalls total of four bungalows, two put the table, a kitchen to do the rest ten square meters of the edge of the house, as a father and son at the hostel. A photo a few years ago, and Xu Mingguang smile look brighter, it looks like about a four-year-old man. Just the past 4 years, Xu has Liangbinbanbai, wrinkled.
    travel obsolete.
    he does not fit.
    have written: Southern Reporter Zhousong Bo