Monday, January 10, 2011

mac makeup radioactive vitamin additives has been used

However, if the milk after homogenization, the homogenization process that will reduce the emulsification of fat, resulting in substantial release of XO, which causes blood recycling. Therefore intake of homogenized milk, for us the average of the high blood concentration of XO. On the contrary, drinking non-homogenized milk or those who do not north face denali milk, Low A concentration of the XO. XO is considered the cause of vessel wall scarring, blood vessel walls lose their smoothness, will induce fatty substances in insanity workout , condensation or collapse of the blood such as platelets, causing further scarring, atherosclerosis, and ultimately the formation of hardening of the arteries, the lumen narrow. Ostcr and Harvard Medical School co-sponsored Esselbacher - intake of homogenized milk is the main reason Americans suffer from heart disease. Rest of the world, such as Finland, and their use of dairy products is a comprehensive process of homogenization, it is also a high incidence of heart disease. Rarely used in France and homogenized milk system, the heart rate than the United States, Finland decreased significantly.
vitamin D (irradiated ergosterol), This is processed by mac makeup radioactive vitamin additives has been used over the years added to most commercial dairy products or other food and a variety of common synthetic vitamin pills. Why do you want to add vitamin D? Before grazing livestock in the field mainly cattle and sheep are grazing in the open throughout the year, natural vitamin D and carotenoids, in the body through natural sunlight synthesis. Then from mac brushes of fresh milk made into butter (especially the abundant sunshine in the summer, is a natural cream made from the distinctive yellow component). This natural cream, not long-term storage and transport to the remote, it can be transported by all, most contain a blackhawks jerseys amount of vitamin D and lighter in color. With the field reduced grazing time, eating weeds reduced opportunities, opportunities to reduce sunlight exposure, reduced vitamin D synthesis, made of butter, and vitamin D content in terms of quality, and are reduced as the colors fade, and finally those who had to milk the system Add color pigment and radioactive D to fill the gap.