Monday, January 10, 2011

north face denali has been added to the a lot of milk

 butter, ice cream, meat, etc.) contain high levels of insanity workout  (high concentration) of the protein, but caused great loss of calcium in bone culprit. vegetarian if excessive protein intake can also cause bone softening, but plant protein than animal protein, has a protective effect on bone, including the reasons but milk, dairy products, meat, blackhawks jerseys , fish, in addition to other proteins outside the A will be the factors that contribute to osteoporosis - is the proportion of acidic substances too high (see the health of the Road (c)), in order to maintain blood acid-base balance and maintain alkaline, bone is bound to free (the so-called extraction) more calcium in order to achieve this goal. In this remind vegetarian persons and vegetarian parents to the average protein intake in Taiwan, are the excess of consideration, no lack of worry, do not worry about themselves or their children do not have enough protein, in order to appease this kind of psychological bias, and then double or a north face denali has been added to the a lot of milk, yogurt, cheese and eggs. please remember that the extra protein derived from dairy products, will inevitably result in calcium and other minerals, the loss of the dump in vitro, resulting in negative calcium balance the body. In addition to a large number of protein intake, will bone erosion caused by the outflow, the lack of exercise, menopause, soft drinks, cola
 (carbonic acid, phosphorus content is too high), mac makeup refined junk food processing, excess salt and other acidic foods, are risk factors for osteoporosis . long-term back pain, fatigue, bone numbness, loose teeth, gum back, easy to sprain, flash back, bone fracture representatives in the loss of calcium and other minerals, at the moment to review our diet should be reduce protein, fish, dairy products intake for the reconstruction of true health.. Human beings should give up dairy products as soon as possible the reasons:modern facilities and convenient commercial milk and milk class products, to our great harm to the human body, in addition to the reasons mac brushes above, there are more research shows that we should be discarded as soon as milk, cheese, butter and other dairy products, cited four reasons for this illustration.