Saturday, January 8, 2011

Sweating hot day, with the sweat loss of potassium ions is greater

▲ must not be too cold food and drinks. Hot cup fresh orange juice per person per day of vitamin C can be satisfied with the minimum canucks jerseys . In addition, each half a glass of orange juice to drink can prevent a cold. Smoking should be more people eating more ugg adirondack C. Major role of vitamin E are: anti-oxidants, a decrease north face denalicholesterol and eliminate body  appropriate to eat some cold drinks or drink, can play a Qushu cooling effect. Ice cream, ice blocks so is milk, egg powder, sugar, made of, can not eat too much, overeating causes gastrointestinal temperature drop, causing irregular contraction, induced by abdominal pain, diarrhea and other diseases. Drink more varieties, most of the nutritional value is not high, or is better to drink less, drink more will damage the spleen and stomach, poor appetite, and even can lead to gastrointestinal disorders.

▲ Do not forget potassium. , the resulting phenomenon of low potassium can cause fatigue, weakness, dizziness, headache, loss of appetite and other symptoms. Hot days, the most effective way to prevent potassium deficiency, potassium is to eat foods, fresh vegetables and fruits contain more potassium, may be appropriate to eat some strawberries, apricots, lychees, peaches, plums and other fruits; vegetables in the cabbage, green onions, celery, soybeans, etc. are also rich in potassium. Tea also contains more potassium, more hot days, drink tea, not only refreshing, but also waste, soap cataract prevention. Walnuts and peanuts contain vitamin E, but people have been very difficult to give up these
uggs kensingtonsufficient amount of vitamin E. north face outlet store as a daily dose *** *** mg maximum daily safe intake does not exceed *** *** micrograms of work, daily life, anti-cancer fruit, can be said to serve two purposes.