Tuesday, January 4, 2011

plant fiber's main role is to accelerate gastrointestinal motility

plant fiber's main role is to accelerate gastrointestinal motility, lower cholesterol and certain bile salts, reduce blood glucose and fatty cup fresh orange juice per person per day of vitamin C can be satisfied with the minimum canucks jerseys . In addition, each half a glass of orange juice to drink can prevent a cold. Smoking should be more people eating more ugg adirondack C. Major role of vitamin E are: anti-oxidants, a decrease north face denalicholesterol and eliminate body , has the role of blood pressure, also can eliminate some of the carcinogenic material, to avoid the risk of rectal cancer. People who eat foods rich in plant fiber have the feeling of fullness, and not worry about the backlog of excess heat, so it also has weight loss effects. Recommends that men consume *** *** - *** *** grams per meal plant fiber. The main foods rich in plant fiber are wheat bran, whole wheat bread, cabbage, potatoes, carrots, apples, lettuce, cauliflower, celery, and so on.
magnesium helps to regulate flow of the human heart, lower blood pressure, prevent heart disease, progressive men of the fruitful capacity. Recommends that men should eat two bowls of breakfast oatmeal with milk and a banana. Magnesium more soy foods, baked potatoes, alnuts, oatmeal, pasta, leafy vegetables and seafood.vitamin a help to progress in human immunity, prevent cancer, protect the
waste, soap cataract prevention. Walnuts and peanuts contain vitamin E, but people have been very difficult to give up these uggs kensingtonsufficient amount of vitamin E. north face outlet store as a daily dose *** *** mg maximum daily safe intake does not exceed *** *** micrograms of work, daily life, anti-cancer fruiteyesight. A grown man with *** , *** *** *** micrograms daily of vitamin a, but excessive intake of harmful to the body. A more foods containing vitamin are liver, dairy products, fish, tomatoes, carrots, apricots, cantaloupe.