Friday, March 25, 2011


    61-63 Set A Big Fish in a Little Pond ,vibram 5 fingers

    ACT I

    I really like this one Susan. Do you? Susan I really do like this one file

    Turn around, Michelle. Let me see the back of it. transfer, Michelle. Let me see the back of it.

    I like it a lot. It fits well. I really like it. . It fits

    It doesn't need any alterations. We must've bought the right size. Does not need any changes. We must be bought on a grumble AUTHOR

    I like the color. She looks good in blue. I like the color. She looks good in blue to see

    I like blue, too, Daddy. I like the blue color of the father

    Try on the skirt and blouse outfit, Michelle - T-shirt and try to skirt dress that set it Michelle

    the one that Daddy wanted you to wear. Dad to wear that set

    OK. good.

    Michelle has been a different kid since we've been married. Since we've been married Michelle become another person

    She's never been happier. She has never been so happy over

    And I've never been happier, Harry. I have never been happier than Harry

    I love her very much. She's been a joy. I love her. Her that she is a joy

    We're very lucky, the three of us ... We are very fortunate to transport three of us ...

    and becoming part of the Stewart family, too . Stewwart and become part of the family.

    We couldn't ask for anything more, could we? What we could not ask for anything on

    Well ... ah ... ...

    Well .. .? Could we ask for anything more? ah ... ... we have ask for anything more

    Well ... we ... ah ... ... we ... ...

    How do you like it, Daddy? What do you think Dad

    It's my favorite outfit. This is my favorite of the set of

    It's good for every day. It will be good for school, Michelle. The suit for every day wear. It is good for school, Michelle

    I like it, too. I always like skirts that go like this. I like it. . I always like to dress like a flowing

    Do you want to see the winter jacket on me, Susan? Want to see my winter jacket to wear what you Susa

    Yes, I do. Change back into your jeans, yes I want to see. Cowboys in exchange for

    and put on the new winter jacket we bought today. Also the day we bought the winter jacket

    OK. Good.

    What did you mean by >
    when I said we couldn't ask for anything more. I said we could not ask for anything when

    Is everything all right? everything with

    Everything is fine, Michelle. everything Miichelle.

    Let's take a look at the winter jacket. Come on over here, honey. Let us look at the winter jacket. Come here my dear

    It's kind of warm. It is very warm.

    It is. That's why we bought it for you. Yes. This is the reason we bought

    This will be a perfect jacket for the wintertime this jacket for the very popular

    This will be a perfect jacket for the wintertime this jacket for the wintertime

    when it's very cold out. winter is very cold outside when

    But it's kind of small also. We must've bought the wrong size. but it is also a bit small small. We bought the wrong grumble AUTHOR

    Looks like we should've bought a bigger one. Looks like we should buy a bigger

    I guess we'll have to exchange it , too. I think we'll have to exchange a

    I'm sure the store has others. I believe that store has other dimensions

    I look silly! It is too small! I look silly it is too small

    You're growing so fast, Michelle.'re growing so fast the Michelle

    Can I take it off? I ' m hot! you I can take off like I'm good

    Sure. Put it back in your room, and we'll hang everything up later. of course. Put it back in the room and we'll hang everything up

    Well, are you going to tell me what's on your mind, Harry? Well, you going to tell me what you think Harr < br>
    I have been offered a job with a major accounting company with a major accounting company offered a job

    in Los Angeles. In Los Angelees.

    I have been offered a job with a major accounting company with a major accounting company offered a job

    in Los Angeles. In Los Angelees.

    Los Angeles? That's a big decision. Los Angeles which is a big decision.

    I know. It will also affect you and your job, if we decide to go. I know. If we decide to go, then you and your job will also affect

    Wow! It sure will. But first tell me about the job, Harry. Oh, of course. . But first tell me what kind of job Harry

    If it's a good one, then we'll make it work for us. If it is a good work for us

    I have a client in the garment business, on Seventh Avenue. I have a client in the Seventh Avenue garment business

    I do his taxes every year. I do his taxes every year

    He has a big sales office in Los Angeles, Los Angeeles he has a big sales office

    and the company in Los Angeles in Los Angeeles

    and the company in Los Angeles in Los Angeeles < br>
    that does his major accounting work undertaken his major public accounting work that family

    is looking for an executive. And he recommended me. is looking for an executive. He recommended me

    That's wonderful, Harry. That great Haarry.

    Yes, but it would mean that we'd have to move to LA is. But that would mean that we have to move to Los Angeles

    What about the salary? Salary how to

    The real discussion comes tomorrow. Tomorrow will formally discuss

    Susan , I don't plan to make any decisions Susan decided I did not create counted

    until I have a chance to talk with you about it. unless I have the opportunity to talk with you about

    I understand, Harry. I know Harrry.

    And I don't have to make a quick decision. and I do not need to make a quick decision

    They know that I'm married and that I have a family. They know I'm married and have a family

    Well, there's a lot to think about. Oh, there is a lot to think

    If it's a good job, if it is a good working
    < br> then I've got to do some thinking about then I have to be considered test

    my career opportunities in Los Angeles. I am in Los Angeeles career opportunities.

    Is everything OK? everything with

    Yes, honey. Yes Dear's

    Pronunciation man. Pronunciation man.

    Pronunciation man.


    Harry told Susan he was thinking about a new job in California.

    She must've been surprised.

    You can see it in her face.

    It's clear to me.

    It's easy to see.

    She must've been surprised.

    Must've been. You mean must have been.

    We can say And so you hear br>
    It's very obvious.

    But going to hear it.

    We must've bought the wrong size.


    We must've bought the wrong size.

    Ohhhh .

    They must've bought the wrong size.

    You can see that the jacket is much too small.

    It's clear to me.

    It's easy to see.

    They must've bought the wrong size.

    Is everything okay?

    She looks worried.

    Yes, I can see that.

    Do you think she heard Susan and Harry

    talking about moving to Los Angeles?

    Well, evidently she heard something.

    Or she saw the serious look on their faces.

    Michelle is obviously concerned.

    She saw something.

    Yes, she must have seen something.

    She must've seen something.

    Or she heard something.

    Yes, she must have heard something.

    She must've heard something.

    It's clear to me.

    It's easy to see.

    I must've been crazy to come here.

    ACT II

    Hello. Hello there. Are you ready for lunch with your grandpa? Kazakhstan. Ha. . Ready for lunch with the grandfather

    Oh! Hi, Grandpa. Yes, of course, I am, but my mind isn't. Oh Hi, Grandpa. Yes, of course, I'm ready, but little heart

    What's the matter, Susan? How the Susa

    A real dilemma. A big headache muscle

    Does it matter have anything to do with you and Harry? is about the things you and Haarry

    Yes, but I don't know where to start. Yes, but I do not know where to start

    Maybe I can help. Tell me what it is, Susan. maybe I can help headlong. Tell me what Susan

    Thanks, Grandpa. Please sit down. Thank you, Grandpa. Sit

    Oh,mac brushes! Harry has been offered a job in Los Angeles. Oh, Harry was invited to Los Angeles to hire the work

    Well, this is something to think about. Oh, indeed such a thing need to think about

    There are so many things to consider. There's Michelle. to consider the matter more than his wife. First, Michelle

    I wonder if a move would be a bad thing for her. And my job. I do not know whether to move home for her is a bad thing. And my job

    I don't know if I can get a good job in Los Angeles. I do not know whether I can get a good job in Los Angeles

    And what about our family? The other is how we are family people

    Can I tell you what I think? Let me tell what I think please

    Tell me. tell me.

    I think that you're very successful I think the cause of industry

    and that you have a fantastic reputation in the toy industry. and in the toy industry sector has a very good reputation

    I think you could talk to Mr. Marchetta,blackhawks jerseys, I think I can now talk with Mr. Marchetta

    I think you could talk to Mr. Marchetta, I think I can now talk with Mr. Marchetta

    and I think I feel

    he could help you find a real good job in Los Angeles. he could help in the Los Angeles to find a good job

    He was very helpful to me , remember? large headlong he helped me remember

    I suppose I could call him. I suppose I could call

    But I'm not so sure that I want to leave New York, but I'm not sure I want to leave New York set

    you, and the rest of our family. you and the rest of our family

    Well, I'm not going to kid you, Susan. Oh, I do not think coax Susan

    You know we'd all miss you. know that we all will miss

    But this should be your decision. But this should make a decision .

    It's something that only you and Harry can work out. This thing only, and Harry can work out.

    If moving to LA is in Harry's best interest, if the move to LA. best interest of Harry

    I have to do what I can do to support him. I have to do me strength to support him

    In every marriage, marriage

    sacrifices have to be made by one partner from time to time. there must be a party will have to do from time to time

    And what about Michelle? that Michelle how how

    Well, what do you think? ah think how how

    I think Michelle is better off staying where she is. I think Michellle be in place better.

    What does she think? her how to do

    I don't know for sure. I do not know.

    Well, you'll have to ask her. Oh, she should ask the question

    I think I'm going to have a talk with Mr. Marchetta I think I'm going to talk about Mr. Maarchetta On

    and get his feelings about my leaving. I left to seek his advice about my

    and get his feelings about my leaving. I left to seek his advice about my

    And about helping me find a job in Los Angeles. ask him to help me find a job in Los Angeles

    Good idea. a good idea.

    I'll call him right now. No point in delaying. I'll call him. No reason to drag

    Thanks, Grandpa. Thank you, Grandpa

    Harry, it's the perfect job for you. You'll love it. Harry is the traders that work best for you. You'll love it.

    It's a big decision for me, Bill. For me this is a big decision for Bill

    And I have to discuss it with my wife. I have discussed with my wife < br>
    I don't know if it's right for her. I do not know everything right for her

    She'll love it. It's a once-in-a-lifetime offer, Harry . she would like to. This is a golden opportunity to Harry

    OK. Tell it to me again. Well, I say to listen to

    The company is Craft and Craft, the company called Crraft and Craft

    the biggest accounting company in the country. It is the largest accounting firms

    I know the company well. It's big. The company I was very clear. Large companies

    The biggest. Largest.

    Yeah, yeah. The biggest. When do I have to let you know? is the largest. When do I have to let you know

    Talk it over. Think it over. Let me know by the end of the week. Good to talk about. Think it over. Let me know before the end of your decision

    When would we have to move? When we have had to move

    As soon as possible. The sooner the better.

    I also have my daughter to consider. I also consider my my daughter

    I don't want to interrupt her school year. I do not want to break off her school year
    < br> Let me know by the end of the week. this to me before the end of the echo

    It's a great opportunity for you, Harry. This is a great opportunity for you Harry

    It's a great opportunity for you, Harry. This is a great opportunity for you Harry

    Believe me. believe me.

    I know. I know.

    Craft and Craft is the biggest in the country. Craft and Crraft is the largest.

    Yeah, I know. The biggest. Yes, I know. Largest

    I think Michelle is asleep now. Let's talk. I want to Michellee is asleep now. Let's talk.

    I met with Bill York today. Today I met with a Billl York.

    And I talked with Mr. Marchetta. Did York make the offer? and Marchrrtta I talked with Mr. York is make the offer

    Yup. He asked me if I want the job. Yes. He asked me not to accept the job

    That's exciting, Harry. What was it? So exciting, Harry. What kind of work

    A vice-presidency, vice president of

    with the biggest accounting company in the country - will be the country's largest accounting company

    Craft and Craft. Craft and Crraft.

    Aren't you excited about that? you excited about Fen

    Sure I am. But there's so much more to consider. I am of course excited. . But there are so many issues to consider

    I talked to Mr. Marchetta. I talked with Mr. Marchettta.

    What did he say? Did you tell him about me? how he said

    Of course, Harry. I want what's best for you, of course, Harry N want the best for you things

    and I think I can get a good job and I think I can find a good job

    through Mr. Marchetta through the help of Mr. Marchettta

    in Los Angeles also. in Los Angelees.

    You're kidding. kidding.

    No, I'm not kidding. no I'm not kidding

    No, I'm not kidding. no I'm not kidding

    I talked with him, and he understands completely. I talked with him, he understands completely.

    He has a major toy buyer in Los Angeles, his Los Angeeles a toy buyer

    and he's pretty sure that I can get a good job there. he was pretty sure I could be get a good job there

    Unbelievable! I can not believe

    But I think we should talk to Michelle about all of this. But I think we we should talk about this with the Micelle whole

    You're right. We'll talk to her about it. right. I we talk to her about

    And how do you feel about taking the job in Los Angeles? You for taking the job in Los Angeles to feel about

    How should I feel? How should I feel

    It's the biggest company in the country. It is the largest big

    Well, then you feel good about taking it? ah then you feel too good about taking it

    Well ... I feel fine about it. Why shouldn't I? ah ... ... I feel well. Why not

    Harry, it's the perfect job for you.

    You'll love it.

    It's a big decision for me, Bill.

    And I have to discuss it with my wife.

    Is moving away to Los Angeles

    a good idea for susan?

    Is it right for her?
    < br> I don't know if it's right for her.

    What does Susan think?

    What is she asking herself?

    The question is ...

    Can I get a good job in Los Angeles?

    I don't know if I can get a good job

    in Los Angeles.

    And what about Michelle?

    Would Michelle like to move?

    Or would a move be a bad thing for her?

    I wonder

    if a move would be a bad thing for her.

    So Harry, do you want the job?

    That's the question.

    Hmmm, do I want the job?
    < br> He asked me if I want the job.

    So what do you think?

    Will Harry take the job?

    I don't know if he'll take the job.


    I love my school. I have so many good friends there now. I like my school school. I have so many good friends that

    I wouldn't miss a day even if I were really sick. Even if I were really sick do not want to miss a day

    Come and sit down for a minute, Michelle. Come and sit down while children Michelle

    I'd like to talk to you about something. I want to talk to you about something

    Something important. is an important thing things

    What's wrong, Susan? there something wrong with you Susa

    Oh, there's nothing wrong, Michelle. Oh, no Michelle.

    But your daddy and I are talking about something, but my father and I are talking about a

    that I'd like your opinion about. I need your opinion

    I know. I heard you talking about it I know. I heard you talking about it

    the other night when I was trying on my new clothes. That is, I try new clothes the night

    It's about moving to Los Angeles . is about moving to Los Angeles to do

    You're right. How do you feel about it? said it. Think of

    Well, I really wouldn't want to move, but ... Well, I really would not want to move, but ...

    But? But what

    But if you and Daddy wanted to, but if you and Daddy wanted to

    I guess you know what's best for the family and for me. I guess you know what to do for the whole family and I are the most favorable

    That's very considerate of you, Michelle. very considerate of you who Michelle

    But what about your friends? but friends how how

    I'd miss them a lot, I'd miss them

    but I know what it feels like to miss someone. but I know people like to miss a taste of what

    Honey, we don't have to move Honey, we do not have to move

    if you're not going to be happy about it. If the will is going to be happy because if

    if you're not going to be happy about it. If the will is going to be happy because if

    Does Daddy want to move? Daddy want to move up

    I think so. He's going to tell us tonight about the job offer. I think so. . He will tell us tonight about the job offer

    Well, how was everybody's day today? Fed flies today, how you position

    Michelle was chosen to do Michelle was chosen to pick < br>
    the school poster for the play this year. This year the school drama theater poster

    Congratulations, Michelle! That's something! Congratulations Michhelle great

    And how was your day, Susan? How was your day that Susa

    I see you're in a good mood. I see you in a good mood

    Why don't you tell us about your day. Why do not you tell us about your day, such as

    I met with Bill York. I met with Bill Yorrk had.

    It's OK to talk about it, Harry. OK to talk about this matter can be shared Harry

    Michelle knows all about it. Michelle has been known

    Really the whole ? really

    Really, Harry. really Harry

    Michelle and I have all kinds of feelings Michelle and I, I feel very

    about leaving New York, the family, and friends. about leaving New York with family and friends

    But if you think you should take the job, we're behind you. But if you think you should take the job that we support you
    < br> What about Michelle's school? that Michelle's school how

    We'll move after the school term. We waited for the end of this semester and then move

    What about her new friends? that Her new friends

    I'll make new friends wherever we are as long as we're together. as long as we're together no matter where I'll make new friends

    We're a family, Harry. We are an all Harry

    We're a family, Harry. We are an all Harry

    Whatever you think is right for you is right for us. you think you are good for us is a good

    I am so touched. The two of you are really something. I am so touched. . They are really something

    We love you, Daddy. We love you, Daddy

    And I love you. I love you.

    OK. Now, tell us about your talk with Mr. York. Now, tell us about your conversation with Mr. York bar

    Did you take the job? you accept a share of job

    Nope. no.

    What? What

    No? You didn't take it? No you do not have access

    No, I did not take the job. for I did not take it job

    But, Daddy, I thought ... but my father I would like to ... ...

    Harry, you didn't turn it down because of me ... Harry you refuse it the Not because I ... ...

    Or me? or I

    No,mac makeup, no. I turned it down because of me. No, no. I refused because I own it

    How's that? This is how a back and forth

    Well, I began to think about you and about Michelle, Well, I began to think about you and Michell

    and then I asked myself, then I asked myself

    do I really want to work for the biggest company in the country? I really want the country's largest company

    And? results do

    And I don't. And I do not

    I went into business for myself I had to open his own open

    because I like being my own boss. because I like being my own boss

    because I like being my own boss. because I like being my own boss

    I run my own company. I'm a big fish in a little pond. I run my own company. I am a big fish in a pond

    I'm not really sure I want to be a little fish in a big pond. I'm not really sure I want to be a big pool of fish
    < br> Oh, Daddy, does that mean we don't have to move? Oh, Daddy, does that mean we have to move house

    That's right, sweetheart. yeah baby.

    Are you sure? you sure

    I couldn't be more sure, Susan. I'm sure, but then after a Susan

    I'm glad if you are, Harry . If you are sure I will be happy to Harry

    And besides, let alone

    how could I live in Los Angeles how could I live in Los Angele

    when all my favorite people live here? and all the people I like being in

    Your favorite people? you like people

    Who's that? Who

    The Stewart family, of course. of course, is Stewarrt family.

    I kept asking myself -

    do I really want to work for the biggest company in the country?

    The company is Craft and Craft.

    The biggest accounting company in the country.

    I know the company well. It's big.

    The biggest.

    They are big all right,

    with offices all over the country.

    They're big.

    Altogether, they have 86 offices in the US alone.

    And one of those offices is in Los Angeles,

    and that's where I'd be. LA

    Harry Bennett, just one accountant

    in a huge company full of accountants.

    I 'd be one little fish in a big pond full of accountants.


    Do you want to be a little fish in a big pond?

    I'm not really sure I'd want to be

    a little fish in a big pond.

    I like being my own boss.

    His own boss.
    < br> I work hard but I make my own schedule.

    I can take time off when I want to.

    And I choose my own clients.

    I have a client in the garment business,

    on 7th Avenue.

    I do his taxes every year.

    He and my other clients know me personally and

    I know them.

    He knows them all.

    They tell me I make a big difference

    in their businesses and I do it my way,

    as president of my own company.

    I guess you could say I like being

    a big fish in my own little pond.


    He wants to be a big fish in a little pond.

    A little pond.

    64-66 set