Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Zodiac home with full manual 2011

     comes to the Lunar New Year, we are very interested, in fact, the Lunar New Year with the home also has a certain relationship. Lunar New Year in 2011, his fortune would be like that? What is you most want to get in? Or do you have life-changing it? Under the terms of 12 zodiac fortune 2011 of it!
    Lunar New Year is coming, we have started looking forward to seeing the lovely Rabbit, rabbit people are not only cute but also in the eyes of the image are smart, it has been treated as . Renovated in 2011 intended to move people, is not also a dip this fiscal Xiangzhan air it? But not every renovation handed people can be good luck in the Year of the Rabbit Oh. Here Come and see which line of the Lunar New Year good luck in the Year of the Rabbit, which declined a little compared Lunar New Year.
    fortune Overview:
    the rat has a feature that is the most flexible, relatively weak personality, work persevere, and people are more enthusiastic This is a good habit, but sometimes and often can not control his mind, this is one of its weaknesses. To make a career disadvantages, but the mouse will sum up experiences, continuous efforts will be in business in 2011 to play a big turnaround.
    mice were four year to come this year, one is a good business operation, and then shipped a good feeling, but that is a rat, whether male rats female rats compared this year's peach blossom Wang, adding that promotion pay, there are elegant assistance, help to read this if you want to read a particular class, in the Year of the Rabbit can achieve your wish. And get one of the biggest benefits of partner support and help, from the development of their careers better.
    mice are suitable for the living floors: the case of mice, the vast environment suitable for both directions north and northeast, the small room just north of the bad environment suitable for projection on, or protruding northeast, the external open , a door or window, floor or room number ending in 7,8,9,0 house.
    rat's furniture layout:
    put a home in the spring of mouse copper turtles, summer put a brass monkey rat, mouse autumn fireworks at home or can put red pepper in winter put mouse-stop home, for off disaster, Mianhuo can improve the Canadian operation, improve business operation, which is the largest rat in the Year of the Rabbit mascot.
    ugly cow:
    fortune Overview:
    people last year, the ox is the line of good luck, wealth Progressive, career development was very good. Year of the Rabbit's fortunes in cattle is also very good, with little disparity in the rat, the cause of pride, love and happiness. Said that in the first month, April, August, November, four months, cattle should strive to forge ahead there will be a good big fortunes, this year focused mostly on the prevention of non-tongue, getting himself into trouble, more attention to health issues .
    cattle this year, there is a taboo, is not to attend any funeral, and less to the hospital, go to the hospital to a funeral not affect his leg, will be unlucky not to go west and southwest This is bad in both directions. Said that in business, business is more than cattle to be dealing with rats, the cause will succeed. Such as snakes, rats and monkeys can cause exchanges between Great. Take part in festive celebrations or watch the show this kind of party can increase your good luck, the general is a little stubborn cow, bullish temperament, is a cow's eye good, helpful, and the cause of trust and honesty, about an operator one, once they see the other side, you lose it all with you at the friend.
    live cattle are suitable for floors:
    ox, the vast environment suitable for both the northeast and north directions, suitable for small environmental chamber protruding northeast, or north protruding, external open, a door or window, floor or room number ending in 3,4,5,6 house.
    cow's Home Furnishings:

    put a spring in the cattle home Wenchang Tower; summer cattle placed in a small square tripod; fall of the cattle can be placed in a jade wishful; winter cattle placed on the front of a pair down the brave.

    Yin Tiger:
    fortune Overview:
    Tiger is a born optimist, not for the anxious. Tiger people are business minded, Year of the Rabbit wealth better than last year's particularly good to be special. Said last year the Tiger's fortunes and the family fortune in general, but the Year of the Rabbit large Dafanshenzhang. Working capital, treasury into the money much more than last year, this year is the best years. Business, career stability, the business has honored to help. Therefore, the Tiger 2011 is rolling in money.
    the bad fortune to cooperate with a tiger to ensure that right. Is to work, will have good fortune. Happy, to pay to get the leadership of reuse, there is promotion of hi. Work best, the most happy, is Tiger is the Year of the Rabbit, there are three major happy event, change jobs, business success, wealth lead.
    tiger who lived for floors:
    a tiger, the vast environment suitable for the Northeast and Northwest both directions, a small environmental chamber on a suitable protruding northeast, or northwest convex the external open, a door or window, floor or room number ending in 9,0,1,2 house.
    Tiger's Home Furnishings:
    tiger's easy to damage the kitchen, bathroom and easy leak to fix or luck and good health of one year.
    d Rabbit:
    fortune Overview:
    is a rabbit in the Year of the Rabbit Do not worry, some told that is called to sit Tai Sui, that what we're talking about year, which is one every Benming a bit bad, is a rabbit this year were born in with the usual, were born in not the same, is a rabbit were born in a successful year, very good, do not worry.
    is a rabbit in the last year, some sensitive to pressure, feel a bit bad. Said last year at a loss, depressing, this is a summary of fortune last year, Year of the Rabbit. Enter the Year of the Rabbit, to the Tai Sui this year, going to be a protagonist of the rabbit, the rabbit this year especially has the power, so that people in the Year of the Rabbit a good rabbit to flex its muscles.
    increased confidence, unlike last year, Pita, and feel at a loss. Lucky this year, putting the large photo of Year of the Rabbit to the boss, you can develop your own career, you can do what you want to do. Studies, reading, test the public, promotion, promotion, have honored to help, cause your heart to be able to hand, work, career span can be grand, if you are a working person, this year will be able to take a good, general, and when people can commander. So this year the rabbit smooth, successful career on the stage, a very high rate, can be reused superior leadership and promotion, promotion and pay rise, a successful career, and last year turned upside down.
    live rabbits are suitable for floors:
    who is a rabbit, a large environment suitable for both east and northwest directions, east room suitable for a small bulge on the environment, or Northwest protruding, external open, a door or window,insanity dvd, floor or room number ending in 9,0,1,2 house.
    rabbit's Home Furnishings:
    is a rabbit's home in the living room and family this year, which is true regardless of place of flowers and artificial flowers take away, the family are not allowed to put flowers, no matter what kind of flower, is true Ye Hao, whether you leave, all take it away.
    fortune Overview:
    long walk in last year, working to exhaustion, operating in a difficult hurdle was finally passed. In China, the dragon represents the head, it represents the right. In the Year of the Dragon people are born with the fate of the referendum, people born in the Year of the Dragon are with nature, his instincts more sensitive sensors, Long Man in the relatively strong. In general the dragon is quite auspicious.
    this year should pay attention to beds, desk, do not put north and south, be sure to put something down, the dragon in the sky, the ground line of rabbit, the dragon man and rabbits are underappreciated sense of overkill, so to play capacity is not much chance. However, there will be elegant dragon secret support of lucky in the southeast this year, there will be a big side wealth, partial, or rolling in wealth. Dragon this year's work, which will help lectures, performing arts, stocks will have achieved very good success. Dragon people to lay down their stubborn views, modifications, changes, may break a new world of their own. Also this year, monkeys, rats lucky, so long people must be with the rat and monkey people cooperation.
    Dragon floors for living:
    the dragon, the vast south-east and due west of environmentally suitable for the two directions, east room suitable for a small bulge on the environment, or are West protruding, external open, a door or window, floor or room number ending in 3,4,5,6 house.
    Dragon's Home Furnishings:
    Year of the Rabbit, Dragon will be lost in the cause of the support of many elegant, easy to go wrong physically, so in this respect, more attention should check their own feng shui home, more attention to home appliances, toilets, water pipes do not leak to be repaired, not damaged.
    fortune Overview:
    snake last year, to usurp the big thunder enter the Year of the Rabbit still has a big Jixing Zhao head, the cause of transportation in the Year of the Rabbit, a bumper harvest wealth, fame greatly increased at the same time, the dominant cause of work, the snake who seize the opportunity for the Year of the Rabbit bumper crop of the year. This year there are two star, but the snake strength of powerful people backing unassailable position, wealth will keep coming.
    snake convincing people to speak, to the rich, snake catch rabbits, see Year of the Rabbit, Snake people will have some big world. Can be said that the snake in Year of the Rabbit, and all into the hands. Snake in the Year of the Rabbit, the largest to be cheated, even bankruptcy, there are flying unexpected calamity, can not be too hasty in career development, requiring careful cultivation. Foreign Affairs home this year there will be a lot of trouble, will face a tongue right and wrong, villain plot, but also generate a lot of trouble. Snake to calm, fighting bucket management, do not be fooled by the scenery of the surface, although this year the event honored the snake, but the indoor home feng shui to be a good place, so things were to unpleasant
    snake floors for living:
    Snake people, great environment suitable for the southeast and southwest of these two directions, southeast of the small environmental chamber suitable protruding, or Southwest protruding, external open, a door or window , the floor or room number ending in 1,2,3,4 house.
    snake's Home Furnishings:
    snake people can be dedicated to Kuan Kung, Lee career, Lee Green, Lee health. Mascot, the home can be placed in the fish tank, a white, four black, three red fish, Italian business, the Italian money. Smug monkey placed the home, Lucky cow, unicorn a pair on both sides of the door, put wishful rabbit study better. Living room, put a crystal ball to solve the non-tongue, anti-villain's disaster. Peony family can be put to improve marital relations operation. In addition to the flowers placed outside, do not put dried flowers, peony painting is shipped to improve marital relations.
    Wu Ma:
    fortune Overview:
    horse is the line in the Year of the Rabbit Want Games in the rabbit In very good fortune, lucky this year, many big help, providing a very elegant intensity of a lot of energy. Development ideal, horse people must seize the opportunity, rare year of good luck, horse people to going all out and move forward, so that a starting point on the cause of more wealth.
    this year, the horse is the most festive big Jixing Zhao head, is the cause of that profit, business can be hand,mac makeup, horses have to enhance the hi Jin Choi, the principal has high status, the subject of respect. Ma also have peach star, marriage, love that horse people often joked to open, horses were smart this year in the degree of wisdom on to play very well, can house also, not a family can be married, not married can be married, no entrepreneurial can start, horses and sheep must be cooperation will great luck, the sheep are elegant horse, you can also find a monkey, a dog, to enhance luck. Edge of the opposite sex this year, lucky horse who is excellent. Can engage in fashion, beauty, jewelry business areas, can do well. The female is a horse can be a big revenue in the fiscal side. Tongue should be noted that this year, right and wrong, the body easily damaged, all in harmony, unity and good colleagues around the whole horse is a happy year, a clear career goals, personal morale strong, careful handling between all personnel problem.
    horses are suitable for the living floors:
    a horse person, environment-appropriate south and southwest of these two directions, suitable for small room south of the bulge on the environment, or Southwest protruding, external open, a door or window, floor or room number ending in 1,2,3,4 house.
    Ma's Home Furnishings:
    home can be placed in the Lucky Rabbit, Lucky the sheep and peace gourd, the door can be placed on both sides of copper brave troops, the living room can be placed Tarzan stone, stone main big expensive, to transport. Transfer beads in black, white Italian.
    not sheep:
    fortune Overview:
    last sheep is a large star, wedding heavy, through a rich and colorful life of the Tiger. Enter the Year of the Rabbit, Sheep and Tai Sui and, in particular the goals, there are a lot of Jixing Zhao head, career development is a thriving luck throughout the year, one of the four Zodiac Wang Xiang, a big winner Year of the Rabbit is one of the exultation of Daqing .
    sheep this year, the event was a big winner in rabbits, ordered one of the four Wang Yun, sheep and rabbits this year so things can be handy, interpersonal skills, very good, elegant benefit, coupled with so many lucky so high, in business, wealth on the bumper, cooperation and development projects will bring especially good information. Sheep can be said to be day one, was location, have the authority, was well known, praised and respected,vibram 5 fingers, and at the same time be a help and elegant. So the sheep have their own ability to judge, chicken command, every pass, wealth interlinked, wealth greatly increased.
    live sheep are suitable for floors:
    people are sheep, the environment appropriate to the southwest and south on the two directions, southwest of the small environmental chamber suitable protruding, or due south protruding, external open, a door or window, floor or room number ending in 3,4,5,6 house.

    sheep's Home Furnishings:
    home in Lee put instruments Buddha, the God of Wealth bag can be dedicated to the Buddha. Civil servants, law enforcement officers can be dedicated to Avalokiteshvara, the Bodhisattva school instruments that can be dedicated, pioneering the cause of the Buddha on the bag for the living room placed Lucky rats, pigs Lucky Want to increase movement, left and right sides can be put in front of a horse for large transport, the study can be put copper smug.
    fortune Overview:
    guilty last year of Tai Sui in monkeys, but also guilty of Yima , bad luck. But enter the Year of the Rabbit, Monkey people have four lucky star guard, who can be reborn monkeys, presented this year's luck is good luck. This year's cause, the successful development of business, the ability to super-Jin Choi, who this year there are two Jixing Zhao monkey head monkey glorious self-confidence, grace, and had met the year to come, the status of continuous soaring in popularity soared this year Monkey people who want to be the first.
    monkey to grasp the opportunity this year, a big free hand, will triumph in the economic field. Monkey people injured this year should pay attention to disaster killed the cat, tongue of the disaster. Monkey people this year have the backing behind the thriving operation, there is an elegant backing, monkeys have to enhance the gas, can be emotionally married to children. Life Palace this year, and there was lucky, cause there are lucky, the monkey who must be cherished. Monkey nature should lead others, speak more done little mouth will keep their noses clean, discreet monkey who must pay attention to and for you. Monkey in Year of the Rabbit's wealth.
    monkey floors for living:
    monkey man, big environment suitable for both the southwest and southeast directions, southwest of the small environmental chamber suitable for projecting, or convex southeast the external open,nhl hockey, a door or window, floor or room number ending in 5,6,7,8 house.
    monkey's home layout:
    home to worship Bodhisattva, also worshiped Buddha, living room fish tank can be put to the red fish throughout the year. The mascot can be placed at home, such as leading Lucky turtle, Lucky rats, they can increase their transport Want Want.
    fortune Overview:
    chickens in total last year was good luck , very good human relations, there are elegant aid the cause of transportation, more vice into the library, family health, no wind, no risk. Enter the Year of the Rabbit, chicken is just the luck of people in general, guilty of Tai Sui this year, serious conflict. Lucky this year, less chicken, are more affected by outside interference, operating uncertainty, the plan difficult to implement things.
    chicken this year were more confused, confused. Chicken, rabbit clash, but the chickens were not afraid, you have a Nine star sign, Year of the Rabbit Nine stars in the Northwest and had met with Ma, financial resources is still there. Career, business or good, should not this year, stocks of chicken were not gambling, partial wealth poor, but the chickens were to be vigorously pursued interpersonal activities, take part in social activities, but also wealth connected. Career, status will be steadily rising, this year focused mostly on the chicken is not to attend the funeral, hospital and prison to see people. This year the main thing is to take part in the wedding, to have a birthday to red disaster, or to the parents to be a birthday to red disaster.
    chicken are suitable for the living floors:
    Roosters, on the appropriate environment due west and southeast of these two directions, due west of the small environmental chamber protruding appropriate, or Southeast protruding, external open, a door or window, floor or room number ending in 5,6,7,8 house.
    chicken's Home Furnishings:
    living plants and trees do not put the East. Northwest in the living room of a dragon turtle can kill, to burn incense every morning at nine year insurable peace, spring chicken to transport, put a tower southeast of the living room can be storage, summer home to the northeast of the chicken put a fish tank, raising four white and one black, three red fish can also provide wealth. Autumn chicken placed in the living room of the Western a copper cattle, chickens can have honored to help. Bits of chicken in the southeast in winter put Guan, can help the cause of transportation.
    rooster, dog:
    fortune Overview:
    people this year, compared with dogs and rabbits, there must be three happy event comes in quick succession, the dog most suitable for business people this year, get married, create a new family, Tian-ding. Dog Year of the Rabbit will be in the top two large elegant aid, and a dog played well and can fully play a leading cause of talent, but also in the business, a new partner in the business long known the cause of a large wang.
    dog people this year, a wide range of interpersonal, strong and powerful dog who yun pledge last year, the business reputation of a large prosperous career, a lot of good opportunities, people feel quite satisfied with the dog, but said people have a big dog this year, lucky lot , this year's dog people, especially air, brilliant, because this year coincide with the Tai Sui, peach blossom is also very busy, great doing business with others for the dog people are good at communication this year, public relations, business can shine, people should pay attention to personality aspects of the dog Do not hot-tempered, if not this year, Tian-ding Year of the Dog, this year's scandals have peach, not to drink from to disasters.
    dogs are suitable for the living floors:
    Dog people, great environment suitable for both the northwest and east direction, a small environmental chamber on a suitable protruding northwest, or east protruding, external open, a door or window, floor or room number ending in 3,4,5,6 house.
    Dog's Home Furnishings:
    dog people this year in northwest residential kitchen, there are toilets, not much guitar, be careful even bankruptcy, villain plot, tongue wrong. Because it runs in the house, is guilty of his life inside the palace murderous, a villain plot, or even bankruptcy have tongue right and wrong. Office can take the east, or take the northwest toward the southeast, on the left put a smug, right-hand side put a seal can pay rise.
    Hai Pig:
    fortune Overview:
    pigs in last year's Wang Yun. Last year, the Tai Sui and the consistency of pork, lots of elegant, in business, business steadily. Pig's fortunes this year is still the year to come, good luck, wealth billowing, the best of the limelight, unique career can even jump three, would benefit financial interests in business operation, is a big harvest. Because pigs were lucky this year, three large, the operation included fine. In addition, the pig man and four stars sign, the most important is that pigs have a large Fortune take the lead, making this year a large number of people not only the wealth of pigs, but also have an enormous amount of wealth into the library, pig's side good fortune, wealth, keep coming.
    so the pigs in this year's wealth, and Manner, and health are good. Lack of respect is a non-tongue, often make life difficult for themselves with their own. Pig people are proud of this year, do not listen to the opinions of others. This year there will be pigs in a large elegant work help, and if that is a pig who is a co-operation there must first serve rabbit. Pig in the whole year would have done perfectly, pig man was in operation this year, was the lunar month, was seasonal, it's also elegant, so to say stole the show, so the pigs are the city is spring.
    live pigs are suitable for floors:
    the pig, the vast northwest and southeast of environmentally appropriate two position, suitable for small environmental chamber protruding northwest or southeast of convex the external open, a door or window, floor or room number ending in 7,8,9,0 house.
    Pig's Home Furnishings:
    hall can hold fish tank can be attached to landscape painting. Lucky mascot can put cat, Lucky Rabbit, Ping vase. Kirin put a pair of doors on both sides can be broken by killing operation, especially in favor of official transport. Study put smug, Wenchang rabbit, Wenchang Tower is the official transport provided, which will help children to school, Ruyi, Wenchang Tower on the study, the bedroom can be placed in the rabbit and Lucky sheep. Kill the dragon of kitchen can be placed.