Monday, March 7, 2011

Your radiant beauty cucumber beauty - Sohu Say

     Center of my friends personal home page letter setting station | news page for more music pictures video Well Q & A site navigation map blog all products laboratory Help Search of the post into the search say it Lord Chief: I'm going to called the Little ball Bar Owner: Well>> Fashion Life Total: 1 page 2 page 1 replies landlord】 【cucumber beauty cucumber beauty methods allow you to brilliant:

    cucumber calm dehumidification, can converge and eliminate wrinkles on the skin than black people best effects. the cucumber (skin,nhl hockey, flesh and seeds) pressed into juice, juice with cotton balls dipped in paint on the face of wrinkles at the repeated paint by number. Cutter mashed cucumber juice, add 1 egg, mix together and rub in the face after face, lying still 20 minutes (this method is suitable for moist skin), and then rinse with water.

    First, raw cucumber Beauty: cucumber mixed with vermicelli,mac makeup, mix jelly, noodles, mix Dusi,insanity dvd, flapping chicken, but also get to eat the whole cucumber when the fruit.

    Second, cucumber juice: cucumber juice with stretch wrinkles, protect the skin effect is commonly used in cosmetic surgery in the juice. Drinking can also be directly rubbed surface. Such as wrinkles more, you can - day time, entry into force quickly.

    three, the cucumber into thin slices, can be attached to the face before going to sleep the next morning to remove, you will find more than yesterday's skin smooth, moist and more.

    four, cucumber mask: mix of cucumber and other materials, can produce a wide variety of mask.

    cucumber mask made of three methods:

    , material: 2 small cucumbers, 1 egg white, flour a little.

    : 1. cucumber juice with a beat machine break. 2. Egg whites and cucumber juice and mix thoroughly. 3. Slowly adding flour a paste.

    Second, the thick cucumber

    Action: Wash cucumbers, cut off skin, cut diagonally with a fruit knife cucumber, cut into thin slices, about 1mm or so, slice is completed, the mirror will be a piece of cucumber paste on the face, or even neck, (really yellow decals on the mirror, and Oh), cut away after only the face exposed nostrils, (and the finished mask different, finished mask is not attached to the eyelid because of the thinnest skin of the eyelids, vulnerable to stimulation, cucumber mask is not irritating, it can be attached.)

    three materials: a cucumber, half a teaspoon of lemon juice, one tablespoon of hazelnut, an egg white (with a mixer to Jiaocheng Rong-like).

    practice: first cucumber, peeled, then baked in the food mixer. The cucumber juice into a pot or filter in the filter will filter out the filtrate with a bowl together. Then, along with lemon juice and hazelnut added to the filtrate, while their playing uniform, gently fill it into the side after a stirring of the protein. Finally, it evenly throughout the face. For 15 to 25 minutes, rinse with warm water.

    first step: fresh fruit juice of cucumber juice with crushed (you can choose the kind of juicer super cheap, supermarket selling only 7-8 dollars, hand squeeze, and relatively small for easy cleaning, can be used as Beauty Special)

    second step: the cucumber juice to add a good amount of flour or tapioca. This will not flow down, and there are flour or tapioca contains vitamins

    third step: a good head contract (otherwise stick with the flour of the mask is not good to wash the hair down, like a little pearl powder)

    fourth step: to apply on face. Apply uniform

    Step Five: Wrap with plastic wrap and face, eyes, nose, mouth and pulled out the empty air.

    Step Six: 10 to 15 minutes, opened the plastic wrap clean face.

    reply | quote of: 121.116.184 .* Post Time :2009-03-27 15:39 121.116.184 .* 2009-03-27 15:39 【2 floor】 Re: cucumber beauty to your radiant good support. Reply | Quote of: 119.123.242 .* Post Time :2009-04-01 11:03 119.123.242 .* 2009-04-01 11:03 【3 floor】 Re: cucumber radiant beauty you sell long distance couple card Open burning love burning】 【limited to two cards each time to play now also free complimentary subscription also GPRS, unlimited Internet access, send caller ID, send ring tones,vibram five fingers, seize the time to order. Order hotline 020-31776969 Chow Advisory Service QQ: 1092719008 Note: Card】 【couple Reply | Quote of: 120.41.3 .* Post Time :2009-04-01 11:17 120.41 .3 .* 2009-04-01 11:17 Back to the Bar | Post New Thread Total: 1 page 2 replies page 1

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