Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Five most hurt the female body breakfast - Food Business Network

     several days of sunny days, brush the ground temperature of 20 degrees, the beauty of the MM are beginning to put on thin and light spring clothes. No wonder some readers have the QQ signature into the
    ,nhl hockey, however, show slender legs at the same time, can not ignore the hoarding of food or drink for a winter under the belly bulge Oh! As temperatures rise, clothes Yuechuan Yue thin, fat will not get winter shelter. Many women are secretly vowed: lose weight, without delay! Of course, love itself as a modern woman, no longer at the expense of health in exchange for weight loss results. Cut out the kind of weight loss anorexia, endocrine disorders, and even the way rebound short period of time should be rejected.
    tailored healthy diet
    a talk about weight loss, almost every woman's mind there are several programs at once: diet, exercise, acupuncture, Chijianfeiyao, and even liposuction ... ... However, true to put into action, you will found that many methods are difficult, and difficult to maintain. Thus, in the times or rebound in the confidence of the weight lost unknowingly.
    many white-collar women, weight-loss drugs would normally eat, drink slimming tea, fat will regularly go to beauty salons to thin, but still not too obviously. Typically, the body will tell this part of the female teachers, as they are so fat body had still not particularly rapid weight again, it is difficult. But if you go to the Hangzhou Zhuantang sweet woman health club, you can magically start your trip to the beautiful thin.
    This is because, Hangzhou Zhuantang sweet woman is a health club will be a combination of health and beauty lies. Said a woman's beauty from the inside out, within the custody, only the internal bodily environment,vibram 5 fingers, the long-accumulated from the body of toxins, to get healthy and effective external expression. Guests to the club, in addition to height, weight measurement, body fat measurement of fat content measurement, the Body division but also the age of the guests, endocrine conditions, cold, hot body, fat accumulation and other parts, body sculpting program tailored .
    Hangzhou health club Zhuantang sweet woman called experts for our example: to lose weight wants to be make more clear the endocrine system is Important than cutting live source said, to lose weight too. Only a comprehensive nursed back to health, supporting bi-directional regulation meridians and organs, and then to focus on the obesity campaign site can be healthy, lose weight correct.
    dipping bath detoxification diet
    general, sweet woman's professional health division will recommend the first guests were dipping bath, and then to the five elements with herb oil to clear the way for the body's meridians. And other skin slowly heat up into the state, coupled with the body sculpting program, can often play a multiplier effect.
    have never seen ten minutes of the bath. Medicated bath series, is the clubhouse leader inspected a number of national health project, carefully selected from, for different women's issues, and keep warm dampness, drainage cleaning, Shujin network, sleep help of God, happiness, and many garden medicated bath side, each with 38 unique flavor remote Xinjiang generated under natural climatic conditions for compatibility of rare herbs. In the cold winter, hot bath can not only help the medicine of drug penetration of the fast, hot water and steam also helps to relax neck and shoulder, increasing skin moist degrees. Five accompanying herb oil is comforting to think back to sleep based on the body meridians five elements, corresponding to the five herbs sprinkled with oil, then a unique approach to massage, because the characteristics of oily skin feeling hot soon hot, massage practices will not hurt, on the contrary'd help a lot of moving less than usual start of the passive muscle exercise, herb oil exciting moment in this sense will always penetrate the skin quickly.
    weight loss after same is true of course, guests need only lie comfortably, listening to soft music, while teachers feel the sweet body just the right place woman fingering and skilled professional massage technique, you can feel the body increasingly The more heat, more easily, and even have the fat
    , of course, in addition to body weight for different physical courses, face maintenance is the key item of the sweet woman. Nanomedi to attain its high-end Platinum series Goldwater keep activating, using special technology, the platinum applied to the nourishing of the process. Different face-lift and deep water, pulling the wrinkles and stimulate collagen regeneration, DBF, etc. Packing carton white Lipstick can help improve the skin of women of different ages. Wise you will not ignore this vision of natural weight loss cure.
    reduction of safe weight loss rebound
    It is said that beauty is a woman a lifetime career. Indeed, the nature beauty of women, for many years in with the gravity, ultraviolet, dirty air, radiation, oxidation, for the unremitting struggle. The fat should not appear, it is to always beware, Keke careful.
    Therefore, even if the effect of a certain weight,insanity dvd, can not relax oh. As a professional health clubs, body sculpting goals has been achieved for the guests, Hangzhou Zhuantang sweet woman health club also has special programs to keep the results and reduce rebound.
    intestine can quickly eliminate toxins, but if you indigestion,mac makeup, it will cause toxins to stay in the intestine, reabsorbed, causing great damage to health. So, we need long-term light body, is often inseparable from the intestinal detoxification. Here, the industry veteran, Hangzhou Zhuantang sweet woman president of Miss Zhou Guoying health club for us to introduce some Runchang detox food:
    konjac famous
    black fungus which contains a plant gum, strong adhesive force, the human digestive system can be left in the dust concentration of adsorbed impurities, and then excreted.
    kelp which iodide absorbed by the body to promote the role of discharge of harmful substances. At the same time, kelp also contains a substance called polysaccharide sulfate, can absorb the blood vessels of cholesterol and excreted them, so that to maintain normal blood cholesterol levels.

    pig blood plasma protein which is digested in the enzyme decomposition, detoxification and the intestines to produce a material that can invade the human body response to the dust and metal particles, is not easily absorbed into the body of material directly excreted.
    Apple Tsuen acid which helps to digest galactose, pectin is able to avoid the corruption of the food in the intestine.
    strawberry contains many organic acids, pectin and minerals.
    honey, the main component of glucose and fructose, are easily absorbed by the body. Eat honey to achieve discharge toxins. Brown rice colon cleansing
    Tong Village turn 60 in Hangzhou 0571-87092185
    Zhijie Zhuantang 58 Hangzhou (near the post office) 0571-87098923
    (This article Source: Youth Times)