Tuesday, March 15, 2011

No one in the elevator when the chaotic conditions - Privacy Record - Emotions - Alice Women Network

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    emotional edge in the UK, most people have had an office romance , And love takes place mainly in elevators and cafeteria ,mac makeup, showing the efficiency of the elevator in the teaser is still pretty high. Well, what happens around us stories?
    inch Kiss
    core Business The University of the construction project, to find it after graduation working for property management companies can be considered counterparts it. Tall, handsome Steel out of this day, numerous luxury apartments , the elevator control room is one of his jurisdiction , working at night , when he will be there for a boring night , until morning .
    men and women looking at all kinds of out of apartment owners , in the elevator is the collar , the whole pack , as well as in front of the elevator mirror lipstick , really fun.
    Tie-Gang Li 's little secret is that the 706 girl.
    It was a baby-faced girl with long hair , bangs cut into the shape of children ,blackhawks jerseys, eye shadow and sometimes blue sometimes green and sometimes purple and sometimes apricot surprise ! Of course, these in the elevator control room is visible, because the video is black and white . said an elevator will be installed in the camera , so I'm in love with in an elevator with her ​​boyfriend kiss. From 1 layer to 16 layer tens of seconds of the time , expect to be another glimpse , and at any time up the possibility of other passengers , I would inexplicably excited. May have to do every heart the desire to secure a bad thing ,mac brushes, the elevator kiss is one of a bar.