Saturday, March 12, 2011

Winter skin healing technique

     Winter skin is more easily old? This is no alarmist, winter skin surface temperature plummeted from 38 ℃ to 33 ℃, absorption and metabolic power lines fall into hibernation in the skin, but also to be overweight care. The warm moisture to the skin to improve skin surface temperature, moisture provide the most efficient care?
    finger feels cool earth with warm water: hot water will take away the health of the skin surface oils, making skin more dry and tight, of course, not cruel to your face wash with ice water,mac makeup, cold the cold water temperature will lead to the rupture of capillaries. The right approach, based on finger of warm water cleansing feeling of cool earth. Choice amino acids recommended cleansing products, the Department of cleansing products, they have a low soap, the characteristics of high moisture and will not allow the skin to produce a sense of tension, while Cleanser stay in the face no more than 1 minute. The dry skin or sensitive skin of women, morning cleansing with water can choose, without using any cleaning products.

    to make the water shoot high into the function: comparison with the thick texture of high performance make-up water to add moisture to the skin. First,insanity dvd, the entire piece with a cotton pad moistened, smear the skin, and then add a beat step, with the palm and pat the skin until completely absorbed by the skin lotion. The benefit of this, first, to help make use of palm temperature water infiltration, increased skin temperature; Second, can play a refreshing effect.
    with a rich, moisturizing cream: texture of heavy cream to help the skin to better retain grease, so do not over-pursue fresh feeling. Apply a little wet behind the Department has glossy cream is the best choice. Use before the first heat rub cream in the palm, until completely emulsified, press the way slowly with skin absorption. After heating the cream palm, nutrients can more effectively into the skin at the same time, push more effectively than circular motion rub the skin to reduce the vulnerability of the stimulus. Winter also pay attention to the skin caused by sun and dryness, SPF 12 ~ 15 index of products is ideal, both to ensure protection from the sun, it will not reduce the use of flu.
    Do not drink beverages skin moisture loss: In order not long wrinkles, hard day, drink a lot of people. Drink plenty of water is a good habit, but there is no evidence that drinking water can give the skin replenishment. To be sure, contains caffeine can cause skin moisture loss. In the winter, try not to drink too much coffee or other caffeinated beverages, it will instead cause the body water content decreased. Hot water, hot tea or other beverages beauty, is the preferred winter.
    increased skin temperature, improve circulation
    how to promote the circulation of skin metabolism, get rid of old waste of dead skin cells and improve skin condition pale dull?
    first-aid pioneer, sheet mask: mask to the skin surface sheet to form a pressure sealed environment in which the nutrients into the skin in the shortest time, the overall improve skin luster, improve dry, fine lines and other skin problems. But before putting the mask in the winter cold feel the moment is not pleasant experience, will also affect the absorption of mask. There are three ways to improve the sheet mask the temperature problem, one prior to use, it will mask soaked in hot water a few minutes, but some active ingredients may be lost due to heat; Second, prior to use, first with hot towel, enhance the skin surface temperature, and open the pores; the third is too much trouble, but the effect of skin care experts believe that the most prominent: Apply mask, add a layer of plastic wrap (leaving out the eyes, nose, mouth) position, together with a layer of heat deposited towels, both to ensure the temperature, but also enhance the mask's seal and the fit.
    paste mask, massage + scrub dual-use: some cream mask with the heat effect of adding minerals or herbs, massage, when gradually warm feeling, enhance the skin temperature to help to improve the swelling, skin firmness. Moreover, such mask can also help moderate the old dead skin cells off the surface. Mask cleaning paste, the skin can increase the brightness and color of a color scale, is the truth. In addition, massage-type mask contains a lot of oil, can replace the darker makeup remover oil dropped, so at night, adjustable care steps, first with the paste mask instead of makeup products to clean the skin, then wash Cleanser skin.
    night cream, to improve the skin's ultimate weapon: 0:00, the skin surface temperature of the day to enter the highest stage, the fastest metabolism, at the moment the best skin care products, so we often say 0:00 ~ 2:00 is prime time for skin care. Away from the skin at the moment and oxidation, pollution, aging and other external factors, the active ingredient is fully absorbed by the skin, night skin care products and efficient investment in a bottle, is the best way to repair damage during the day.
    can not bath, can not help but feet: the winter home of the first thing to do? Not the makeup or mask, but the foot bath. Chinese medicine, stimulation of the plantar foot reflex points can improve the body circulation, if you add a number of accessories, but also enough to cook their own soup (add coarse salt, to sterilization, to improve the athlete's foot; add the lemon, to prevent the common cold; add vinegar, can be help detoxification, so that delicate skin.) Foot of water depth to the lower leg about the middle of the time 15 minutes, the water temperature needs to maintain at 45 ~ 47 ℃, which feel that if the foot bath water, heated water 1 to 2 times. However, the physiology of the foot bath method is not suitable for women.
    skin healing magic
    when the skin conditions are horrendous, what skin care products can not be absorbed, so that gas can not be mere mention of how good, there is immediate improvement possible?
    can not do without it - the base medium: basal medium, the ability to skin care products in the same time the collapse of water and oil, and then into the skin to better absorb. At the same time, which soften the skin, skin moisturizing ingredients, make the cuticle more easily absorb the subsequent maintenance of components. When your skin is dry, skin will harden, oily component or components molecules is difficult to be absorbed. Had been hardened like a sponge block, you add more nutrients to it, it does not help. Like a foam sponge base liquid water, the soaked skin, behind the steady flow of nutrients for the paved road. Especially in the winter, the skin is easy to dry, stiff, massage with the base solution, allowing your skin to fully warm up.
    natural look as good without makeup - BB Cream: BB Cream Blemish Balm is short, its role is mainly Concealer, adjust color, sun, fine pores, create play nude makeup effects. It turned out to be cosmetic surgery for damage to the skin, providing repair regeneration cream, skin problems, so can the improvement be given promptly, can make up for shortcomings of the skin surface. Chemical composition is not combined with the color pigment but natural ingredients,vibram 5 fingers, so makeup can be sustained to maintain the natural moisture makeup,vibram five fingers, no floating makeup, more close to the skin, creating delicate natural, fresh run through the makeup. (Text / vicky map / John Akehurst)