Tuesday, March 8, 2011

【】 To wear natural jade bracelet jade bracelet to bring you an extraordinary life experience

     【artists from Reuters Bo Bo Po Art Network commentator Wang Yaozhuan Wenyu is a beautiful stone in nature, and Jade is the crystallization of jade culture in China. It has a gentle human yearning, quiet, subtle, pure, faithful, righteous and all good quality. In the eyes of the Chinese, jade is the essence of national spirit, is the supreme treasure is God's wonderful gift to our generation to generation much attention and love the Chinese people. People love her, praise her, wearing her and proud of her, and jade jewelry in the achievements of people dream of beauty, it is also our country has accumulated a rich cultural heritage. Bo Po Po-chun mall in the Arts Network jade bracelets can be said that in one set of thousands of pet, from the listing has been much concern for everyone today Xiaobian carefully selected two fine jade bracelets, lets us up tasting about it.

    Jade is a kind of jade, but different from the traditional jade,mac makeup, it belongs to a kind of jadeite, nephrite in terms relative to the higher hardness and toughness , the structure is more delicate, shiny stronger, more durable, so Jade has already spread the reputation of the king of jade, jade are all about Jade. And we know that in ancient times long ago,nhl hockey, jade in the royal family and nobles and the upper rich in the prevalence of common people in general can not match and has, therefore, in those days Emerald is a symbol of identity and the powerful, so people eyes, jade has long seemed to become a distinguished symbol, from its fiery people can see the extent of the favorite jade. Po-chun mall this collection is the ice jade bracelets jade waxy species in the top grade, fine texture, moist Ze, brilliant, Youde emitting a soft light, people at first sight.

    Jade loved by the people and sought after, not only is unique due to its mysterious qualities, but also because it has a role in promoting human health, civil society has been people raise jade, jade dependents to say,insanity dvd, many Chinese believe that jade and human exposure to the blood is shared, to some extent reflect the jade master can also be physical, if a person's physique is good,vibram 5 fingers, then the jade wearing smooth and moist, soft as butter. From a scientific point of view, jade in the rich in trace elements, can be described as the essence of heaven and earth set. Po-chun jade bracelets this mall is not only beautiful appearance, fine texture, believed to bring you the beautiful experience with you while also happy and healthy life. (Bo Po Art Network commentator Wang Yaozhuan text)
    Comments】 【Bo Po jade ornaments not only essential in life, while collection of top grade jade is also a wise investment approach, quality Jade can be priceless, according to the news reports, the national government has a valuable jade treasure positioning, it can be seen the value. Therefore, this collection of fine emerald can be said to kill two birds with the smart choice, while Bo Po experts also remind you that in recent years. With the corresponding rise in the value of jade jewelry, many illegal businesses have begun to speculate, to provide our friends to be careful when buying.

    【Product Code】 BZ111064 BZ111062
    【Price】 ¥ 13800.00 元 ¥ 26000.00 元
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    Bo Po Disclaimer: The data appear in the text are from the Bo Po art network data centers, the article is only for readers reference, reproduced, please credit.
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