Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Mari winter skin tips to help you easily have a girl as tender muscle - living at home - People in Tianjin window

    Brief content: the child's face will not have rough skin accumulation of adults have to deal with this problem,mac brushes, the effect would be more quick scrub. This is the beauty editor Annie's voice of experience, it is recommended before using the scrub, it is best to first take a bath, to improve skin penetration,mac makeup, attaining a hot towel and facial massage with massage cream will also work well.
    cold winter, and the skin to resist bad weather, but also to deal with dry indoor environment. How can the state do not need too much tedious work, the will be able to have healthy skin? In addition to morning and evening to do basic maintenance, there is any way to make skin shine? Living at home Xiaobian especially for you to collect a wide variety of skin beauty secret language, let you easily deal with the winter skin problems!
    Money can not buy poor childhood,mac makeup wholesale, and childhood delighted they not equally valuable? But in fact as long as some skills, a childlike innocence, you will be able to return 20 years ago.

    1, restore the baby skin
    to the skin in the shortest period of time the baby back full of moist skin, beauticians Cherry tells us to play real-time conditioning and nourishing effects of Fancl exfoliating mask and mask. Secondly, when the body needed to add 70% water is not enough, it will look rough and dull looking skin, so best to drink more than 2 liters a day in warm water. And 3 in the morning and afternoon to eat a fruit, to help the skin more moist.

    2, wore off adult rough
    child's face will not have rough skin accumulation of adults have to deal with this problem, scrub the effect would be more rapid paste. This is the beauty editor Annie's voice of experience, it is recommended before using the scrub, it is best to first take a bath, to improve skin penetration,vibram 5 fingers, attaining a hot towel and facial massage with massage cream will also work well. If you are horny, thin dry skin, use mild exfoliating wipe-type products; dark skin against skin hypertrophy will have to scrub with coarse particles.

    3, create a lovely toot lip
    , makeup artist Hee Sun Yue said. He always carry a small tin of lip scrub, he believed that only wore off dead skin, to make lip gloss soft skin. off excess grease, a layer of lip balm, and then cast a moist directly or pink lip gloss and high transparency, in the middle of the lower lip increased spread, so will the rotund little soft lips attractive. p>

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