Thursday, March 17, 2011

Eyes looking down the bottom of the market call pushpin

 Apple fans in the Chinese cities are willing to pay for the expensive iPhone, but Apple's iTunes store to download the software costs on a very sensitive, so the emergence of a large number of .
text / Xiao Ming Chao
we see the potential of a customer if there is a consumer, the more to be judged by income level. But in China, this indicator is often the failure. For example, in 2009 China's per capita income of the world's first 124 series, but China has surpassed the U.S. as the world's second largest consumer of luxury goods after Japan.
more concern is that China's luxury consumer groups, but it is the social level by a few, high-end of the middle class and the most common form of low-end mass consumer, and which also includes a huge number of young people. LV-known luxury brand and believe that their goals are high-end consumers, a lot of money, but in China the reality is that many consumers to purchase genuine LV may be only 3,000 yuan monthly income, even those three or four lines the urban consumers to dream to have this brand.
pushpin-type market
income in China is still an inverted T-shaped structure, the upper income groups is high, the bottom of a large number of low-income and middle-income persons. If everyone crowded market in the top of the pyramid, the market will become increasingly narrow space. Today has been a lot of facts have proven that those at the top of the pyramid consumers consumption of certain products,blackhawks jerseys, in fact, far less than most of those at the bottom of the pyramid civilian class.
something more, they want more, want more intense the desire, but once they have this ability, they will not wait to meet their consumption desires.
the rich more disposable income, you can choose the range is relatively large, the scarcity of demand for less obvious than the poor, which will allow the emergence of a consumer class status does not fully comply with the dislocation , cross digital consumer phenomenon. Spire of consumers in the consumer desire is satisfied, is becoming more rational, while the bottom of the consumers are being hard to catch up, I hope to be able to upgrade and change of consumption structure to improve their quality of life, while to catch up with the community mainstream.
Prahalad book as the daily income of less than $ 2 billion in a large group, though their relative income and consumption low, but overall, the cumulative purchasing power and growth potential is staggering.
China currently has about 1,200 county's three cities, 34,400 towns and 614,000 villages in consumer demand has not been fully met, this type of social structure pushpin, remind the enterprises not only only been around the screw rod a few people who have become rich, and the nail tip is located in a very small wealthy class of people, but also a good attention to those in China under the nail surface food and clothing,
find your nail surface groups
Sometimes,vibram 5 fingers, your product positioning to high-end groups, they do not necessarily buy it, not your product is poor, or they do not need , but because they may simply not have time to spend or do not care.
example, the Chinese cities of Apple fans are willing to pay for the expensive iPhone, but Apple's iTunes store to download the software costs on a very sensitive, so the emergence of a large number of (under free software). These high-end customers even 5 dollars a month cell phone do not want to pay the costs reported, although that for him in terms of access to information valuable.
But for many rural consumers, if you provide him with real benefits, they are sincerely willing to pay you, even the price of services is not sensitive.
services,mac brushes, prices of agricultural products to farmers can be refined to the local township or village market. The monthly service fee of 5 to 8 million, has been welcomed by many rural people.
every business can find their own nail surface groups, even those located in the top group of service improvement can cover them. Underlying people's consumption of simple and independent, emphasizing the value of the actual use of the product and material interests. When the rich become more sophisticated, more competitive, why not look at his eyes down it?
positioning the bottom of the product innovation
India's Tata Group, in March 23, 2009 produced the said the world's most expensive car, set off not only the transportation revolution in India, but also represents an
grasp the underlying demand, have the right products, the blind will be first-and second-tier cities of products placed third and fourth line marketing, may not be the superior of the policy. Customer is not that complicated underlying consumer psychology, and sometimes they want is very simple. For example,mac makeup, in the city's cosmetics market, consumers not only moisture, but also anti-wrinkle, whitening, moisturizing ... ... always so picky. But in China the county level and below market, the customer may need only one or two core requirements that were satisfied, very willing to pay out.
Shiseido cosmetics brand from Japan is now in the implementation of its high, medium and low all-round approach to the Raiders attack the Chinese market, in the first-tier cities adhere to the city and maintenance of high-end market share, while the second, third-line market to sink. Sink strategy in the market, Shiseido introduced a special one for the rural consumers, One of the low-priced products have been given the
get petty bottom of the customer is it? Not necessarily. As P & G's director of global sustainable development, said Peter White, to open the bottom of the market is not as simple as simply lowering prices, the key is to design the products they really need, which requires in-depth understanding of their life. For example, the rural market of home appliances need to give full consideration to water, energy, and even to consider the anti-mouse and other functions.
local conditions of the marketing model
bottom of the customer looks simple, but in China, many areas the lack of modern retail channels, a huge geographical area for distribution of plate tectonics as a great costs. No in-depth understanding of the marketing team is hard bottom barriers.
P & G's research and development specifically for low-income consumers, the water purification system, but how such a product to sell it? P & G and non-governmental organizations, humanitarian aid through their network to distribute the product, Procter & Gamble so covering a wide range of products.
in China, Meiling in home appliances, the active construction of rural users live close to the
In Brazil, Nestlé established a direct channel for women, low-income women can sell yogurt and biscuits at home, these .
the face of obstacles, as long as the business innovation, according to local conditions, flexible, low-level resources with different marketing mix, will be able to, such as a tiny stream, penetrate into the bottom of the vast market.

(This article Source: Sales and Marketing)