Sunday, March 20, 2011

Use BB Cream

     BB Cream with skin first before using the skin of water , lotion or cream , etc. for basic maintenance, to ensure that under the skin and then rub the moisture on the BB cream. Although there are some BB cream to protect the skin , but can not completely replace the basic skin care , or make the skin dry.

    acne problem skin , including skin , sensitive skin, oily skin and so on. Oily skin can choose to have oil control effect of BB cream ,vibram 5 fingers, sensitive skin, you can choose to aloe vera , green tea , gingko and other components of the BB cream, do not choose the kind of flash of light particles . However, acne skin and oily skin are not recommended for daily use , so easy to accelerate the growth of acne .

    of if you just want a makeup, after wiping out the equivalent of wiping the BB cream foundation , and then coated with a little amount of blush , the eyelash curler Alice , painted about mascara,mac brushes, eye shadow on OK. Of course, if your skin is bad in itself , it needs further modification by other cosmetics ! BB cream can not be mixed with the foundation and the foundation if the BB cream mix applied to the face ,blackhawks jerseys, will affect the makeup effect , also reduced its skin Nursing Care . If you want more obvious -looking finish , you can choose to hold & powder . We advise you to finish BB cream coated with Powder hold , makeup will be more durable

    BB Cream Concealer coverage ,mac makeup, while having the effect , but different from the normal concealer , can not cover the face perfectly . To the best BB Cream Concealer , concealer in the face to be more specific sites , increasing the amount of BB cream , pay attention to tap Open . But if you need more strong -looking finish , it is recommended to put on the foundation products, to achieve long-lasting makeup hold . BB cream of the use of natural ingredients, so the shorter UV- blocking , it can not be a low SPF sunscreen use as a BB cream . If you need extra sun protection in the use of BB cream sunscreen before or first , to be effective against UV rays. BB cream is a foundation , such as not clean up remover, can also lead to clogged pores .