Thursday, March 24, 2011

Do you recognize him wearing a vest

     wearing a vest you recognize him please
    Ady who holding crying?
    Ady who holding crying so sadly? Looked back and turned out to be less master Wang Fei South Beauty. In the vigorous However, according to newly exposed birthday party, but it can be seen clinging Ady tears Wang Fei will put a layer of gauze between the two men. It is reported that Ady has secret crush on Wang Fei, love each other and the exposure of large S, Maizui also eliminate injuries,vibram 5 fingers, so Wang Fei in this complex relationship in the role as more people smoke and mirrors, more and more confused.
    Whose groom?
    this man an embarrassing way, but for the United States if the angel standing next to the bride Fan Fan, really do not recognize this is the Yesterday,mac brushes, the two engaged Sherwood Hotel in Taipei,mac makeup, ending 10 years of long-distance love. Hey, bridegroom, marriage can be happy point does not?
    This is the story behind?
    If you take off sunglasses and a large scarf, perhaps you recognize this person is Tsui Hark to film into a
    Who concert?
    An Fenghua Li turned to modern dance dancers, just so hoarse is not to force too far? Last night, Hangzhou, SMG, Since the start, both the The game that night, Ann peak hot dance, so Jimmy has always been tough judges not by the sigh,
    wild country girl from?
    a blue cloth coat, hanging in the back of the head scarf worn,blackhawks jerseys, it is very rustic. Back hard, to Peter Chan's blockbuster hit,
    strong hold or spoof?
    female fans of the Uncle was strong hold Xianwen? Recently, in Nanning This person is the original small dresser Shenyang, blame the bottom of his shoes revealed.