Sunday, March 27, 2011

Which finger to wear an engagement ring which hand _ _ how to wear

     Jade Knowledge Home Content of Jade Forum Search Forum Title of your position: Wulu Creek Emerald Network>> Jade Knowledge>> Emerald Ring>> details of the engagement ring on the hand which fingers _ _ how to wear the engagement is the testimony of young men and women love the formal ceremony, the engagement ceremony, the man would give his beloved woman an engagement ring as a token, then the legend about how the engagement ring? Engagement ring on which finger it?
    with the engagement ring engagement ring the origin of the legend, is said to be the result of interpretation of the ancient marriage by capture, when the man robbed the women of other tribes gave her to wear shackles. Evolved over the years, the yoke into engagement rings, men to women wearing a ring that she had been in my collection.
    another way, the world's first engagement as a token of the ring who is the king of Austria Maishi Mini. 1477, Maishi Mini in a public met a princess named Mary. She looks beautiful and elegant manner made Maishi Mini dumping it. Although it is known Maishi Mini Mary had promised marriage to the then Crown Prince of France,mac brushes, but to win her love, Maishi Mini decided to try their luck. He ordered a specially created valuable diamond ring,mac makeup, given to Mary. Faced only with great care, sparkling diamond ring and the enthusiastic pursuit of Maishi Meaney, Mary finally changed their mind and happily combines Maishi Mini. Since then, the diamond engagement ring as a keepsake,blackhawks jerseys, it will become a tradition of Western people.
    engagement ring finger ring which has a strong symbolic significance since ancient times, the ring wear is also very particular about the meaning of the law. Into the hands of the five fingers are the most slender ring finger and middle finger, ring finger looked like a slim, so no matter what ring to wear, very good-looking, but generally only wear a wedding ring finger. Then the engagement ring on the fingers?
    law on the ring wearing customs of various countries, essentially the same. According to Western traditions, it is displayed on the left give you the luck of God, which is associated with the heart. Engagement was usually worn on the middle finger. According to China's habits, engagement rings are usually worn on the left middle finger that had been If his was.

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