Thursday, March 17, 2011

Dry air is crisp autumn skin big mouth water !

 (Figure ) fall first on moisture Skin care experts and up to the people more than once reminded us, by the summer skin care tips in autumn, must not ignore the principle of the four small:
One is to be used in different seasons and corresponding products, summer cleaning type Suspension of product is best, especially with acid, salicylic acid and other components of the wash supplies, they will make the skin more dry, autumn should be relatively simple to switch components, mild moisturizing cleanser.
the second is due to the skin, exfoliate the skin easily conducive to the absorption of nutrients, to help restore the luster to the skin, but not too often, once a week is enough, because if the cuticle is too thin, you will lose storage water and the ability to resist external environmental damage. Therefore, some fall and winter moisture products also contain ingredients cuticle repair and strengthen replenishment effect.
third replenishment + lock water, the most effective double moisture. After cleansing, toner replenishment, but the products with water lock moisture in order to achieve real results. Choose non-alcoholic toner, not volatile products would be more better. Now, many sisters are to develop the habit of carrying mineral water spray, but also with the lock aquatic use,blackhawks jerseys, or dry skin, dry environment, but may be the original water.
since autumn, the major skin care brand has introduced Which method is suitable for you?
Can readily supply water to the skin as needed? This is not abstract empty concept.
Chanel launched two years ago, deep moisturizing series, has praised the To strong moisturizing glycerin, hyaluronic acid and the role of the sugar water to provide derivatives (sugar derivative), so that the skin be hydration; to Morocco carob exclusive patent active ingredients, turn on the physiological active skin hydration, skin on cells produce their own natural moisturizing factor. Chanel this year to meet the needs of different skin,mac brushes, the introduction of dynamic moisture lotion,vibram 5 fingers, moisture and other new energy Essence, so that the
and Dior hydrodynamic deep moisturizing cream-gel is prepared by the surface of water times the role and the role of the deep water injection system to form a delicate surface such as a transparent veil to limit evaporation of water through the skin surface, when the full filling the skin.
natural essence of France
use of natural skin moisturizing cream to help the largest number of new skin care, fragrance is refreshing, advocating natural.
Estee Lauder is another masterpiece in the field of moisture Yingrun --- Estee Lauder Skin Care in July of this year listed. The series hit In addition, the new composite formula original sustainable strengthening lasting moisturizing the skin's natural moisture barrier, injection of youthful energy, helping to keep the skin moist for a long time.
many flowers in aromatherapy have the effect of replenishment. Lancome water edge series to the French combination of roses and jasmine in China, with 24-hour moisturizing effect, and effective anti-pollution, which keep skin moist, soothing Cream Lancome water edge, Centella asiatica extract the essence of traditional Chinese herbal medicine , the skin instantly have a fresh feeling to restore a rich, soft texture, and depth of replenishment.
water balance method
dry environment not only take away skin moisture, but also make the skin lose their oil requirements, resulting in dry skin; and the external environment is too wet will cause discomfort in viscosity tired feeling. Oupo equilibrium moisture series containing original composition --- water and oil balance factor, to give the skin the necessary moisture and oil to maintain skin moisture balance.
Oupo new season balancing moisturizing products. Hydra Essence by induction-type sensor moisturizing ingredients, said dryness can sense the outside world, the timely release of water, to achieve the best moisturizing skin condition, which contains the oil control ingredients Coix seed extract and extract of Viola with moisturizing, anti-inflammatory, preventing metabolic disorders caused by imbalance of water and oil to keep skin moist without oil.
Scientific analysis of evidence found to relieve the pressure of ore for the muscle to relax there is indeed a positive help. In recent years, trace elements and moisture of skin, resulting in dry and aging phenomena. Unexpectedly, this method can also be used in the maintenance of replenishment aspects.
large s recommended skin care brand in Taiwan, , slowing water shortages, increase skin vitality. The world's leading pharmaceutical companies to provide the depth of water nourishing moisturizing patent hyderegy; bread yeast extract the active ingredients,mac makeup, is said to enable the repair, sterilization, Acne, wrinkles, sun once get.